Chapter 5

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So after my little interaction with Jules. Yes I mean the one in the Walmart isle. Yeah, that one, that gave me life. And the courage to attempt to talk to her, and maybe win her back.

So, I upgraded my methods just a little bit. But trust me, it's nothing too extreme. But it did take a while to calibrate so...

August 9, 2018 12:41 Pm

There she was, bright as day. She was in Walmart. In line. Paying for her things. Beautiful.

I was outside, pretending to be poor and helping people carry their bags. I had a total of Five dollars and Fifteen cent.

I had just finished helping out an old lady with her bags when Jules had finally came out.

You weren't allowed to take your cart to the car and you could only load if you had someone with you. Lucky enough for me, Jules always went grocery shopping by herself. She claims if anyone else was to help her they'd just, "Cramp her style." Whatever the hell that means.

So when Jules came out of the automatic doors, I walked up to her. And not in a creepy way, no I mean like, in a cool, calm and collected way.

"Excuse me, would you like help with your bags?"

Jules looked at me. Taking off her black sunglasses as she put a bag down.

She seemed out of breath with all the bags weighing her down.

"Uh-Yeah actually. Thanks."

She smiled, bent down and handed me the bag. And automatically I understood why she put the bag down when she talked to me.

We walked down to her car, which was all the way down the hill and loaded her car. When we had gotten down the hill and to her car, I had made sure to get her license plate. reasons.

Once finished loading the car, she climbed out of the trunk and closed it.

She sighed. "Phew. That was...-"

She paused and looked me in the eye, tried to look at my eyes through my black glasses.

When she realized she couldn't penetrate the glasses tint, she finished her sentence.

"-Thank you..."

I guess she expected a name so I just came up with on off the top of my head.

"Harper." I smiled.

She smiled back and held out he hand.

"We'll, thank you, Harper."

I shook her hand, subtlely rubbing her hand with her with my thumb.

This action lasted for about three minutes. Three minutes of constant eye contact. Three minutes of rubbing. Three minutes of focusing on each other's eyes.

That was until finally, I cleared my throat, breaking eye contact.

"I -uh I should really get going now." I smiled, rubbing the back of my head nervously.

She chuckled as she spoke. "Yeah, I guess."

I waved bye and turned ready to leave when...


I turned around and she handed me a five dollar bill.

"Thanks for the help, I don't know what I would've done without you helping me."

I chuckled. "Yeah no problem."

She handed me the money, and dispite my refusal, the money still ended up in my pocket. Classic Jules.

As I walked up the parking lot, and back towards the front of the grocery store, I though to myself: She was kind of friendly. Very friendly.

I mean I was just a 'Stranger'. And she was unnaturally friendly. Was she always this friendly, with every 'Stranger' that helped her with her bags? Even during our marriage?


Okay, okay. I had gotten a little deep in thought with that last interaction. But can you blame me? That made me question a lot of the things she did while we were married.

Anyways, my next interaction took a while to plan and set into motion. But for a good reason too. Because with this, I had to look up her address. Find out what pizza place Jules would most likely trust to deliver the pizza. Get a job there and patiently wait for her to order.

But eventually my plan was put into action.


October 18, 2018 9:30pm

Special Delivery. Double pork peperoni with grilled chicken, anchovies and olives. This is Jules all the way. And I know, this because she only ever orders this when she's in the mood for movies. First date experience.

I picked up the pizza and since i'm the delivery boy, I hopped in the car and drove to her house. A good ten minute drive from the pizza place.

When I had arrived at her block, I checked the address. Yup. 1352 North Berry street. (DO NOT LOOK UP THAT ADDRESS! IT IS COMPLETELY MADE UP! And if it just so happens to be someone's address, I'm sorry. It just came to my head.) The address was a complete match.

I drove up some, put my car in double park and ran up the stairs. At the door, I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for someone to open the door.

Then, I heard the pitter patter of feet and I automatically feared the worst. Did she have children? SHIT!

But the door opened up and I only saw her. She had on shorts and a tee. And there was not a child in sight. Jules was counting the money while I tried to examine her house. She cleared her throat before I could get a thorough look.

"Twenty-three Ninety-five. Right?"

I was at a loss for words. So all I could do was nod. She handed me the money as I had exchanged the pizza with her.

"Thanks man. Have a nice night." She said as she opened the pizza box and examined it before I had left the step. One of her gloriously quicky things she did.

When she had finished examining her pizza, she thanked me again. I told her no problem and went on with my night.


Okay, so let me tell you, Jules ordered pizza a lot. And so, me being the delivery boy, I gave her the pizza and even developed a spot to sleep. Yes, sleep.


November 17, 2018

I had just delivered the pizza and Jules had just went inside. I walked down to my car and drove off.

I drove around the corner parked there for like ten minutes, look enough for Jules to forget all about me, then walked around to her house and on the side, began to set up my tent.

Now if you're worrying about me geting caught, don't. I've specifically told myself that i'd be out of camp by tomorrow. If you're worrying about the car, dont. I'm using my car to deliver pizzas. So just in case she was to look at my tags, I changed them.

So all is good. I would officially consider my methods upgraded.

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