Chapter 2

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~ 1 week later ~

I wake up to the sound of knocking at my door. Tiredly I get up and go to answer it, to my surprise I see Ray standing there.

" What do you wantttt.. It's so early, geez. "

He just crosses his hands across his chest and speaks plainly.

" The King wishes to speak with you, he didn't seem to happy. Seems like you screwed up one of your missions. "

I let him snicker a bit before punching him on the arm.

"Shut up. I don't mess up. Ever. "

"Ugh-Huh, I'm sure you don't, just hurry up, and fix your bed hair. You look like the dead. "

He walks off as I roll my eyes at him and close the door. How judgmental, I just woke up for crying out loud!

As soon as I've fixed myself and straightened out my room, I walk out and head to speak with the king.


~ In another room, King Ace was passing back in fort between the room ~

" So let me get this straight. He and his son were both killed. Yet the blood line does not end there!? Who else is left?! "

The king yells out in frustration and throws a glass bottle at the wall.

" We've come to close Henry, to close, to have one person, mess it all up. "

Henry was the Kings adviser and right hand man, he was frantically searching threw files and documents, trying to find the answers to this whole mess up.

" I understand how you feel sir, but there are no leads, supposedly once the king had died, their were no more to succeeded to the throne. Unless.. "

The king stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at him.

" Unless what? Unless why Henry! We need to know now! We're running out of time."

Henry pulls out a document showing a picture of a young boy, dark brown hair with emerald green eyes. He drew a circle around the boy before looking back at the king.

" Unless the king knew he was going to die, he wouldn't have scheduled the crowning of this kid . In this document it says that his son "adopted" this kid, he is a commoner, has nothing to do with the royal family. That's why he was so hard to trace, and the fact that he "ran away" almost 2 years ago. "

"Two years ago.. So what your saying is that they've been hiding him.. Impossible."

He tapes his forehead before continuing.

"Think about it, we started doing these 5 years ago, of course some of the other Kings had to had found out about the murders and the kidnappings. But none acted except him. This kid could be the difference from us exceeding in this and us losing everything we've worked so hard for. "

" .... " He starts walking back in fort from one side of the room to the other, trying to think of a way to get rid of this kid.

" I got it. Where is Rosy? She needs to be here to hear this.."

"Late as always sir, come up with a plan? "

King Ace smiled and let out a small creepy laugh.

" don't I always? Looks like we're going to have to do things the old fashion way. Why kill him, when we can use him. "

" I see.. If we keep him alive, the more likely we can get answers from him."

" You've got the idea. Well, time for a kidnapping, or in this case, a princenapping."

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