Chapter 7

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"Winters POV"

Shin and I discussed a lot of things on the way to the princes chamber. It seems as though their kingdom has almost been burned down several years ago, the survivors fled from the burning town until they discovered this place. And now they've turned it into this. It's so beautiful here, and that's from just me looking out the window. Oh I can't wait to burn it all down.

"Winter, I said are you ready for this?" I snap out of trance and find Shin staring down at me. I give him a wink and a thumps up. "I'm ready for anything" He then opens the doors that reveal a group of people standing by the huge window. In the middle of that group was the prince, he stood out more than anyone else in the room.

Shin bows and I do the same. "Her name is Winter your majesty. She is from their clan." I look at the prince straight on, and something in his eyes seem to shine. He quickly runs over to me and picks up my hands on his. "Winter.. My dear winter you have returned." He hugs me so much that I can hardly breath. I finally manage to slip away from his grasp. "I'm sorry your majesty but I have no clue who you are and how you know me. But please do not go and hug me without asking." The crowd of people gasp. What? I was just telling him the truth. "You..Don't remember me.. Anything?"
"I'm sorry.. But I don't"
"Marc.. My name is Marc, we used to play together as kids in the old kingdom. Before it was burned."
Burning kingdom..? This can't be, it's impossible. There's no way. Before I could respond Ray comes bursting through the doors.
"Raymond?" Marc stares at him for a while. "Your here as well?"
Ray goes and pulls me towards him.
"Yep, I will ask you kindly to not touch my friend Marcus.."
Marc just laughs and runs his fingers through his hair. "Amazing how you seem to remember so well but Winter doesn't remember me at all."
While they argued with each other back and forth I took the time to put the pieces together. I do know him. I do remember. But I don't want to, I don't want to remember that day. I don't want to go back to the past. I will burn this place down. I will burn it all down with him in it. I'll make him pay for what he did to me so long ago... Then he'll see.. I'll make him feel the same pain I felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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