Chapter 5

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"Are we there yet.." Sighing for the, seemed like, 1000 Shin finally looks back at me. " For the last flippin time. NO! We'll be there when we get there, now please, shut up."

Jeez. He could be a little nicer about it. I'm just really bored. We've been riding for at least 5 minutes. That's like. 1000 light years! Sighing I begin to think of a nice little plan for when I arrive. Shin already screwed up and told me Id be questioned so that gives me time to think of what to say. It'll probably be the usual stuff. Name. Age. Kingdom. Etc etc. but all that matters is that I need to be on the look out for the prince. This was just a minor set back. But at the same time, it could be a major step forward in finding him. If I'm correct. He probably looks way different from the picture. They got to protect his identity.

If I'm correct he has a huge scar running from the tip of his shoulder all the way down his back. That'll be a dead give away. So I'll just be on the look out for that. Sounds a lot more easier than it is.

In the middle of my train of though we come to an immediate stop and I hit shins back. I start to wine, " oww. Why'd you stop so suddenly! You could have given me a warning!" I rub my poor head. He just sighs. " Sorry PRINCESSE, we're here, but we have to wait a few seconds. Just be patient" I look around bewildered " But.. We're in the middle of the jungle and-" before I could even finish my sentence I was blind folded and my mouth stuffed with some paper. Before losing conscience I heard Shins voice. " Sorry kid, just following orders."

Then my mind went blank.

Hey guys!!
I'm sorry this chapter is short XD I rushed.

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