Chapter 6

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Fire. It's everywhere. My home.
I stand there watching as my home is is burnt down to the ground. I watch as my family is killed. Trapped inside the house to die. All I do is stand. Watching the fire take away what once was mine.

Gasping I wake up from my horrid nightmare. The first thing to hit me was a sharp pain in my head. Though there was nothing there it seemed like a horrific headache. As I hold my head I look around myself. I'm in a simple plain room. I'm not chained. It feels almost.. Cozy here. I look down at my cloths and see I am in complete different clothing and my arms bandages are no longer there. All that remains is the dreadful mark of my clan.

My mark.. It's been shown! What am I to do now?! What am I to do, oh what am I going to do..

I get up painfully and head to the window of the room. I look out and see a small village down below. " like the view princesse? " I quickly turn around to see shin standing there, leaning on the door smiling. I give him a frown. " Well I was enjoying the view till you came in." He walked over to me and opened up the window frame. " I know you're mad but I had to do it. It's mandatory. We can't have people knowing of our location. Your friend is asleep in the room across so there is no need to worry. As for your cloths, the maids came and changed you. But you have some explaining to do. Starting with that" he point to my shoulder where I bear the cursed mark of my clan. I quickly put my hand to cover it and look away. " I don't want to discuss it.. That place.. Is a horrid place. I.. Ray and I were forced to be there against our will. We ran away. That's all there is to it."

He simply just stared at me, making deep contact, hoping to find something false about my statement. Admitting defeat he sighed. " I guess I can't really make you tell me everything, but there is someone who'd like to meet you, come on Princesse. He's awaiting you."
Waiting for me? Who could it be?
" And may I ask who it is. And stop calling me princesse, I have a name you know" i flip my hair at him and start to walk to the door. He just laughs at me and follows behind. "Why it's the prince himself, also My apologies madam, tell me then, what is your name." I look up at him as we leave the room and with a bright smile say. " ...Winter. My name is, take me to this so called "Prince" of yours"

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