Chapter 3

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~ Rosy finally reaches King Aces headquarters ~

I ran into the room and see the King and Henry already there waiting for me. He looks really upset. I bowed several times. " I am so sorry your highness! I had to- "

He snapped his fingers and I quickly stood up straight and looked at him.

" It is fine, just try to be a bit earlier.. Now, sit, there is something we have to discusses. " He said in a calm quiet voice as he sat down in his chair.

I quickly did as I was told. King Ace looked very serious.. I wonder if this has to do with one of my missions.. I started to drift off into my thoughts

He cleared his throat and I snapped back into reality. " I-I'm sorry sir.. " I barely managed to squeak out. He sighed and looked at me with a serious look. " it's fine but please pay attention. Now.. Do you remember your last mission.."

I had to think for a moment. " Oh! " I jumped up. "The Last king! Yes! I remember. " I wonder what this has to do with him..

"Good.. well you did as I expected of you but it seems as if we have messed up.. Their is another heir to the throne. " he tapped his fingers on the table and showed me the picture of a boy circled in red marker.

" Do you need for me to rid of him sir..? " Please say no.. I'm so tired of this. honestly I need a break.

" No, not this time. " he said with a smile. Yes! I thought to myself. " This time I need for you to kidnap him. But first, get to know him. Find his weaknesses and his strengths. Then.. When the time is right... "

I didn't need him to continue. I already knew.. " I will no fail you sir. " I bow and turn to leave the room. " I hope that you don't Miss.Rose... Because if you do.. "

" I understand sir.. " I open the door and walk out calmly and start walking back to my room. Then, I start running, of course when I return to my room, I see Ray there. Smirking. Looking like an idiot as usual.

" From the way you just ran here, I'm thinking you got in trouble. " I stomp past him and flip my hair in his face and laugh. " Yea right. I told you I never mess up. Now, how does the idea of you coming with me on a mission sound? "

I wanted for him to answer. I already knew he was gonna say yes but of course, he's got to be hard headed and play hard to get. " I don't know.. Why should I."

" because it'll be fun. Now, go get your pack and meet me by the entrance. We'll leave from there." I walk into my room and grab my bag. I make sure to have all my things and my disguises. I'm not about to let this one kid ruin my chance at freedom. I'll bring him back here no matter what it takes. Even if I have to get my hands dirty.

I wait for Ray at the entrance. Once he gets there, we Seattle our horses and ride off. Of course we both know we're not the only one going on this trip. We're not alone. We never are.

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