S1 E7: The Purged World (Part 2)

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"T-minus 5 minutes till the Purge." "Shit, guys, we only have 1 weapon." "Y/n, you get the gun and Morty, you get the axe." "Aw, why do I have to get the axe?" "Shut up, you little shit. Now are we ready?" "Hell yeah, I'm ready. Bring on the Purge!!" You say, screaming. "T-minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, let the Purge commence!" "Ahhhh!!!" You scream, shooting random people at point blank range. "Whoa, 'y/n, calm your nerves-" "Shut up, Rick! This is my only way to see the Purge with my own f**king eyes!" You say to Rick, still killing people. "Ahh, what the f**k is that thing?!" "It's the Slayer of All Beasts, run!" The thing grabs a person and bites their head off. Rick shoots at the thing and it explodes. "Welp, now we're done here. Let's go, 'y/n." You do as Rick says and go through the Portal. On the other side, it's a whole new world. "Rick, where are we?" Morty said. "I know where we are. We're in Stranger Things, so get ready for another adventure!" Four boys were playing a game somehow called D&D. "Get defeated by my wizard!" A boy with his friends said and they all turned to you, Rick, and Morty. "Who the hell are these freaks?" The boy said and Rick takes a look at Morty. "Oh... my... god." Rick and Morty both say inbetween breathes.


You can kill off another character in the next episode, Part 1 of The Mega 3-Part Finale. Season 2 coming tommorow at 1 PM.

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