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Requested By:Adowg565

Umbreon ran through the forest.Sweat building up and stress was taking over.

"Syl-"Umbreon stopped herself.If Sylveon heared her...Umbreon continued deeper through the forest.She had the nerve to use the light she could provide, but worried if Sylveon would run off.

Deeper in the forest Umbreon had found  a cave and tons of boulders all around.And on top was Sylveon.Umbreon lightly walked over ,but there was sticks and leafs everywhere ,so naturally...


Sylveon turned around immediately, ready to pounce at what ever made that sound.But Sylveon saw it was only Umbreon.Sylveon jumped off the rocks and began too run away while Umbreon mumble something and ran after Sylveon.

"Sylveon wait!I...uh I know what you've been through I can help you!"

Sylveon stopped dead in his might have just pissed him off....Wrong chose of words!Umbreon thought.

"Know what I've been through?!"

Yep I'm definitely screwed

" You have no idea what my life has been like!I have been tormented and criticized for my..."Sylveon looked like he was on the break of tears"As soon as my trainer found out what I evolved into and my...She tired to trade me!Every single time she saw an opening or opportunity she tired to get rid of me!And now...she final saw her chance and here I am."

Umbreon looked at Sylveon who had his head hanging down"Just stop Umbreon"Sylveon began to walk away"Leave me alone..."

"Sylveon..."He continued to walk away.




"SYLVEON!!!"Sylveon turned around immediately at that.He had never heard Umbreon raise her voice like that.

"I'm not say I know what you've been through just to comfort you..."Sylveon had the nerve to turn back around because of that.

"I said that because I've been through what you've been through"Sylveon didn't move.He was in shock of what he just heard"R-really?"

"When I was still and Eevee I was old trainer.He had a dream of an Eeveeltion team.Now their was nothing wrong with was just that...he was very specific.One Night he found a store that sold the Water Stone(so he could evolve me into Vaporeon)But has you know an Eevee with great friendship and night...Let's just say he wasn't happy with my evolution.Not only did I evolve into a Umbreon he also already had on on his team..."

"So how does this relate to me?!"

"I'm not done..."


"Remember how i said he was very specific?Well...he wanted a girl Vaporeon and a male Umbreon.That's why he wanted to evolve me.Not only that ,but he wanted a full shiny team.I Even HAD the better stats and he just wanted a MALE UMBREON!"Umbreon held back tears that threatened to come"And so...he traded me every and ANY chance he got"

Sylveon looked straight at Umbreon.

"And so I'm here..."

Sylveon stood there unsure of how to  react.

"I do know how you feel.Ive been through the same situation.So please...Let me help you"

Tears went down Sylveons face.Never had a Pokemon cared or even know how he felt.Sylveon walked over to Umbreon.She had tears coming as well.Sylveon didn't know how to comfort her so she embraced Umbreon in his arms.Umbreon countiunted to cry lightly, but soon stopped when Sylveon hugged her.She instantly calmed down and looked up at Sylveon.They locked eyes  and began to move closer and closer until...Their lips touched softly as they embraced each other.After a few seconds they broke away;They gazed into each other's eyes as they smiled back and hugged once more.

" wouldn't care what gender I was?"Sylveon asked softly.

"I would be with you for you"

They both pulled apart and began to walked out of the forest back k to their trainer.As they held on to each other.

MY GODS DID that take forever!!I'm so so sorry!!!School is going to start being a problem and I will have very limit time to write ,but I will try my best!I'm also glad I took my time so I could make this amazing ship have a great story!

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