Glaceon(M) x Vaporeon(M)

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Requested By:@C-H_CoreaDelSur-Fem

1st POV


why is everything around me ,so...oh well duh you're an ice type what did you expect ,but I don't feel cold that way and if I...My thoughts were interrupted abruptly as I was pushed roughly.I opened my eyes again and...oh I wanted to forget this...

POV 3rd

Surrounding Glaceon was a tent, enormous and probably stretched a couple million feet High...well that's what it felt like to Glaceon;as he was being pushed more on this wooden board.The ground below almost seemed to faze in and out as he was pushed more and more ,he wanted to freeze in place, physically around him.But the amount of horror and terror flowing through his body was enough for him to freeze up on the inside.

He eventually reached the tip of the board and saw the small pool below him and...heard a voice ,no it was coming from below.He looked slightly down and saw...Vaporeon?

"Dont worry I'll help you get down!"Vaporeon screamed as loud as he could to reach Glaceon.

Glaceon was beginning to take a few steps back...before he was pushed off ,so hard that he was now clinging on to the side off the board.Back feet dangling ,showing him their was no way out ,but down.


14 Hours Earlier:Glaceon's 3rd POV

Well this looks like the place ,Glaceon thought to himself as he shook off some of the mud that was under his feet.

This place was a few miles away from Olivine City ,besides that city it was a bit in the middle of nowhere.It was an appropriate place ,very spacious for a Circus to be set up here.

Glaceon walked through the muddy grass past a gate that had a large opening.Stands were set up with all sort of food and games in an aisle like approach.The actually rides like the ferris wheel and dropping like ride were mostly in the back ,but the main star of the 'show' was the enormous red and white tent set up off to the side of the amusement like park.

A small booth was set up near the entrance with an Electabuzz greeting all the new people and Pokemon coming through.They wore a blue cap with a small tent on the front ,but what really stuck out to him was the bandages on their arm.He decided not to think to much about it and walked past the booth.Now seeing it up close Glaceon realized these stands may not have been made for Pokemon like him...or even Pokemon period.

Exhaling he tried to see what the booth's had to offer ,however a Slurpuff was now in front of him.

"Well hi their my fellow Glaceon!I dont recognize you ,you new?Well it don't be a problem welcome to The Monsters of the Park!"The Slurpuff exlamied flinging their arms in the air.They too had a blue cap ,but had a shirt with a small description on the tag saying Don't hesitate to ask a fellow worker!You need help were here!

"Well uh thank you for having me..."Glaceon replied.Having me?Wow great job Glaceon.

"Aw you are welcome cuz'!"The Slurpuff then handed a blueberry flavored snow cone to him that seemed to come out of now where...

"That's just one of my little Pokemon tricks ,now go on and take it!I knowing may be a bit hard to hold ,but I'm sure the taste will be worth it!"Glaceon did want it...So what was the trouble? was just a chill.Yeah just a chill.Do ice pokemon even get chill's?

"Thank you"Glaceon said taking the snow cone with his left paw.

"No prob' cuz!And if you're wondering the pokemon booths are on the next section."

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