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Something that Keith definitely noticed about pregnancy was the morning sickness. It hit him worse than a car could hit a person. Well at least he wasn't dead or injured. And he wasn't sick. It was just a way of pregnancy.

Lance wasn't expecting Keith to be hit with violent morning sickness. The first time it had happened, Lance had gotten up early and had made some coffee since he was supposed to be at the station at around 7 to switch with a girl named Kimber. He went upstairs to check on his fiance only to find the small pale figure out of the bed and retching in the toilet. It had worried him for a minute before he remembered that Keith was pregnant.

"You okay?" Lance asked as he rubbed Keith's back against the cool gray fabric of Lances shirt. Keith groaned and cough before wiping his mouth and replying. "I'm fucking great. My baby is making me sick." He said sarcastically. Lance reered back at his words.

"I'm sorry Lance. I'm just frustrated right now." The Omega said as he sighed, expecting some more to exit through his mouth. Instead he coughed, and thinking it was vomit, leaned over the bowl only to dry heave for a few minutes.

" I'm calling out babe." Lance said as he stood and opened the bathroom door that was connected to their bedroom. "No Lance. Don't call out. I'll be okay. I'll call Adam and see if he can help a bit. I mean he went through this 2 times already." Keith replied, reaching for his fiance.

He stood and began cleaning his mouth up with a paper towel soaked in water, washing the edges of his mouth and brushing his teeth, making sure to take a gargel of his mouthwash before turning to Lance.

Lances eyebrow raised. "You sure baby? I can take the day off. I'm sure they can understand." Keith waved him off, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth, not wanting Lance to get grossed out by the stench of vomit, if it was still lingering around. "I will be fine. I will call Adam in about 20 minutes and see if him and the kids can come and spend the day with me."

Lance was pretty sure that Adam was still asleep, seeing as how he went to work and came back around 9. And he had to give the kids baths and tuck them in because Shiro was busy getting paperwork done and the kids refused to let Shiro bathe them and tuck them in because apparently Adam could do it better. " Isn't Adam asleep? I mean it is 6 in the morning babe." Lance said. Keith chuckled. "You obviously don't know that Adam wakes up at this time because of his children getting up and messing around." Lance sighed and held the Omega close before Keith could get his clothes together.

"I don't wanna leave you or the baby." He brushed his fingertips over Keith's almost flat stomach. He began to gain weight and his stomach just looked like he gained weight.

Keith sighed and pet Lance's brown hair with a boney pale finger. "I will be fine. Call me when you are on break " The alpha agreed and lugged himself to his car and to the police station.
Keith sat out on the back porch of Lance and Keith's new house, which they bought about a week ago. Lance insisted that Keith not pick anything up, seeing as his stomach had begun to grow a bit larger than normal. Lance had just thought that Keith was just carrying a larger baby so he was gaining some weight to support it but he was picking and unpacking everything, obviously showing with how little progress they had made with boxes everywhere.

"So how is the pregnancy going along?" Adam asked. Keith sighed and touched his flat stomach, well almost flat. It looked pudgy really and had made Keith very self conscious about his looks. "Violent morning sickness and my stomach seems to have grown a bit in the past month. Should it do that?" He asked the older man. Adam chuckled. "I was exactly the same." Keith raised an eyebrow.

"Care to explain?" Adam chuckled. "Keith I believe you may be carrying twins. I was already growing by my 6th week. It wasn't much and it just looked like I had gained weight. Karilyn Mari and James were the same." Keith's eyes widened.

"Twins?" Keith asked. Adam sighed. "It may not be twins. Lance called and said to watch over you. He just thinks that you just gained a bit of weight early to support the baby. But you should go to the doctor in about a few weeks." Keith sighed and leaned back against the chair as Adam called for Melody Ann.

"Yes Mommy?" The little girl asked. She had on blue jeans and a tank top with a sweatshirt on top. Keith had to admit that it was pretty chilly outside, Halloween being a week away. "Can you go in mommy's bag and get those pills? In the blue bottle?" The little girl nodded and went to the bag on the other side of the deck and brought the pills to her mother.
"Thank you baby girl." Adam replied. He grabbed one pill and popped it into his mouth and drank some water.

"I have to take this every 7 hours. It's because the twins really messed me up so it's to heal me. Shiro is excited to have another baby. He can't wait until we can have another." Keith smiled.

"Shiro is like that. Mom used to say that Shiro wanted a baby sister and when our father died, we couldn't have one. Mom didn't have a uterus and mom didn't want to be with anyone else so Shiro has been waiting to have a baby girl." Adam smiled and put James back inside the carrier he shared with his sister. He gently rocked the large carrier and laid the blanket over the free space in order to make sure that the babies weren't awaken by the rising sun. Melody Ann had been playing for about 20 minutes, being as they had just gotten here.

"Shiro loves spoiling Melody Ann." Adam said as he looked out to his daughter playing around the shed in the backyard. He turned back to Keith, both men looking at each other.

"Having a baby is a miracle. You won't think it when you give birth or during the pregnancy but afterwards you'll want more. They brighten my life. Especially Melody Ann." At the little girls name, Adam looked out into the backyard. His eyes widened and he stood. "Where's Melody Ann?" He asked. Keith looked to the backyard and Melody Ann wasn't there.

"Fuck. She must've gotten out of one of the holes one of the dogs in the neighborhood dug." Keith stood and went down the deck, turning at the corner of the house and exiting the backyard by the gate, Adam going through the house with the babies in the living room.

"Melody Ann! Come on baby girl mommy's looking for you!" Keith called. The squeal of a child brought his attention to the house next door. He looked behind the house and saw Melody Ann with a Pomeranian dog in her lap, licking her face. Keith sighed and walked towards her.

"Melody Ann. You can't just leave like that. Mommy is so worried about you." He walked up to the girl and looked at the puppy. "Uncle Keith! Look what I found." She held up the puppy by it's forearms and held it in front of Keith's face. The dog sneezed in his face and he really looked at the dog. It seemed to be a Pomeranian husky by it's fur(dog up top).

"Melody Ann. You know you're mother isn't going to let you have the dog right?" He asked picking the girl up while she still had the puppy in her arms. She frowned and nodded. Keith sighed. "I can keep the dog. And then you can come see him whenever you want." She smiled and giggled as they walked back to the house.

As the entered the house, sobbing was heard in the kitchen. "Shiro I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to lose her. I was talking to Keith and didn't know that she had crawled through a dog hole through the fencing." Adam sobbed into the phone. The phone seemed to be on speaker phone because Shiros voice rang out from the phone on the counter.

"It's alright baby. We will find her. I'll call Lance he can try and find her. She's 2 she can't go far." Keith smiled.

"No need. I found her and she found a dog." Adam looked up and smiled. "Oh baby girl!" He grabbed her from Keith's arms and Keith grabbed the puppy as Adam held his daughter close. "Don't ever leave the backyard again." Melody Ann nodded and pointed to the dog.

"I know I can't have a puppy so Uncle Keith is keeping the puppy so we won't have one. And he said I could come and visit the puppy." Adam sighed and looked at Keith. Keith smiled and nodded.

"Okay baby girl. I guess you can come and see the puppy." Melody Ann smiled and giggled.

Going Forwards (Klance Omegaverse sequel to Going Backwards)Where stories live. Discover now