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Keith held onto Lance's hand as Lance drove towards the doctor's office. Keith knew this doctor personally. This was the doctor that Adam had went to with Melody Ann and the twins. He was a wonderful doctor but the thing that worried him was him and Lance's bonding mark on their necks. Lance's bonding mark always seemed to burn when Keith was talking with any male. Lance seemed to be very mean all the time. "I don't feel good about this babe." Lance said.

Keith sighed. "Adam went to this doctor. I was with him so calm down. Everything will be fine." Lance sighed and stopped the car as he parked inside the parking lot of the OBGYN office.

He turned to Keith. "That's not the problem. Keith you're gay and this is a man who has to look at your dick for no reason." Keith sighed and laid his hand on Lance's cheek, kissing him gently. "Everything will be okay. I promise." Lance nodded and kissed Keith gently before they unbuckled and walked inside. The walls were a light blue, curtains covering the windows. The desk was shorter than most desks, probably in order for people to be able to write better.

Lance felt Keith grab his hand as Keith walked forwards towards the desk. The woman had a braid, which was golden blonde. She looked up from the computer and smiled at the couple. Lance wrapped his arm around Keith's waist as Keith smiled. "Hi I think you know my brother-in-law Adam Kogane? I'm here to see Dr. Jeffers. He was my brother-in-law's doctor for his daughter and his twins." She smiled and nodded.

"Of course! Adam is such a wonderful man. His daughter is so precious." Keith smiled and nodded. "I'm here to see Dr. Jeffers." The woman nodded and typed on the computer. "Okay can you sign this and is this the father?" She asked pointing to Lance. Lance nodded. "This is my fiance Lance." She smiled and waved. "Anyway can you both sign here and then we will call you back when we are ready." Keith began signing the dotted line and passed the paper and pen to Lance, who signed and gave it to the woman.

She smiled and Keith and Lance walked over to a pair of seats and sat down. Keith laid his head into Lance's chest, his upper body leaning to the side. Lance sighed and wrapped his right arm over Keith's shoulders and squeezed Keith's right shoulder gently. Keith began rubbing his stomach gently. Honestly, Lance thought that Keith was having twins at how large his stomach had gotten.

"Keith Kogane." A nurse said as she held a clipboard. Keith and Lance stood and followed her. She led them into a purple room, ironic for their colors combined. Keith sat on the bed and Lance gripped his hand gently. The woman closed the door and tapped on her tablet.

"So Mr. Kogane-" Lance cut her off. "McClain. We are getting married soon but he.likes to be referred as McClain." Keith nodded to the woman. She smiled and tapped on the tablet. "Anyway we are just here for a check up?" She asked. Keith nodded. "But I also would like to know why my stomach seems to have grown more than normal. My brother-in-law said that he was the same when he was expecting his twins." She chuckled. "I'm sure that everything is good. But I'm sure that he would like to check and make sure. He would also like to check your lower region to make sure that there is a birth canal and to either say if it is large enough or not. Most of the time when we have a male Omega the birth canal may not be big enough so we may have to do a C-section. But about 89% of the time we just do a natural birth." Lance growled.

"No man is looking at my fiance like that." Keith gasped and grabbed Lance's hand. The woman just chuckled. "We can modify that. He will be in the room but we can get a female doctor to look at him. But he does have to be in the room." Keith looked at Lance. His face was scary. He touched Lance's cheek. "Babe we have to let him look."

Lance sighed and nodded. "The second option is fine." She nodded and typed something onto the tablet. "Dr. Jeffers will be with you in a few minutes." Once she had left, Lance hopped into the bed with Keith, holding the pale boy close. "Why did you do that Lance?" Keith asked. "No man is going to look at your ass and your dick except for me." Keith sighed and gently pulled Lance into a kiss, keeping their foreheads together even after the kiss. "I won't fall in love with anyone. And another nurse will look at me okay?" Lance nodded as the door opened and the doctor entered with the same nurse. She was pulling a computer on a cart and pulled it close to Keith.

"Good morning Keith. How is Adam doing?" Dr. Jeffers asked. Keith smiled." Well. Very exhausted from the children but Shiro is helping a but more." The doctor smiled and looked over to Lance. He extended his hand out to Lance. "I'm sorry and who might you be?" Lance growled gently before forcing a smile.

"Lance McClain. I'm the father." The doctor smiled back and then shook hands with Lance. "Pleasure to meet you. So let's get started. So Ingrid told me that you were worried about your stomach appearing to become larger than a normal Omega pregnancy?" Keith nodded and touched his rather large stomach.

"It doesn't seem to be a big deal but I wanted to know." The doctor smiled and looked at Keith with permission before touching his stomach, pressing in the sides and the bottom. Lance gripped Keith's hand tightly.

"I will do an ultrasound to confirm my suspicion but I suspect that you could possibly be having twins. Like I said I could be wrong and the baby could have just gained a bit more weight or you gained a bit more weight to support the child but I do want to do an ultrasound to confirm. Ingrid did say that you wanted a nurse to check your lower region for obvious reasons by the father and I respect that. I wouldn't want anyone checking my husband out that way. But I will stay in the room so that I can take notes and of course we will be doing the ultrasound first. So can you please pull your shirt up?" Keith pulled his shirt up to rest on top of his stomach.

The nurse handed the doctor the gem and he applied it to the lower region of Keith's stomach. Lance was now standing, his hands on Keith's shoulder as Keith's left hand was laying on Lance's left hand.

Then the doctor pressed the wand onto the gel and began to move it around, finally something appearing into the screen. He pointed to the figure. "There is one baby. And if I am correct," He moved the wand a bit more until another figure appeared. "This is another baby. Congratulations you are having twins."

Lance smiled and he looked down to see that Keith had bursted into tears. Lance kissed Keith's face gently, looking at his beautiful children.

"Lance, we are having twins!" Keith said excitedly. Lance nodded and kissed the boy.

The doctor then cleaned up Keith's stomach and began cleaning the wand before standing. "I am going to go get a female doctor then we can check and make sure that you have a large enough birth canal. Go ahead and remove your sweatpants and just lay a blanket over your lower region and then we can check."

When the doctor came back with a woman, they began checking Keith for a birth canal. "He has a large birth canal. I can suspect that he can have about 4 or 5 children before the birth canal becomes closed off. If he had anymore he will have to get a C-section. Anyway you guys may go to the front and check out." She said and left.
Keith smiled as him and Lance walked up the driveway of his old house. Adam, Shiro, Melody Ann, and the twins along with Keith's mother were perched on the porch, the children playing.

"Oh my god Keith!" His mother shouted and ran to meet her pregnant son. They embraced in a hug and walked to the porch along with Lance. "So Keith did you find out why you were gaining more weight?" Adam asked. Keith smiled and looked to Lance. "We are having twins." Adam smiled and gave Keith a hug while his mother was about to squeeze him to death.

"So have you two decided on a date for the wedding?" Shiro asked as he took a puff of his cigarette that he shared with Adam. " We were thinking November 4th. We have everything planned. Pifgr kind of did it behind our backs but it's everything that we could've dreamed." Lance answered.

"And now we are getting married in a week and we are having twins babies."

Going Forwards (Klance Omegaverse sequel to Going Backwards)Where stories live. Discover now