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Lance smiled as he watched Keith rock Aiyanna to sleep in the rocking chair they had bought when they had created the bedroom for the twins. He patted the girls back and hummed a lullaby to her. She had moved many times against Keith's shoulder. Aiyanna had insomnia unless her mother rocked her to sleep. Lance smiled as the girl closed her eyes and went to sleep. He gently kissed her head and picked her up to lay her in her bed. Keith groaned and rubbed his growing stomach.

"We have to tell them soon." Keith said. Lance smiled and kissed Keith's stomach gently. " We know that it is only one baby this time and that it is a girl. And that we are naming her Kimberlyn Lanelle McClain." Keith smiled and touched his stomach gently with his fingertips. Lance smiled and pressed his lips to Keith's. He stood and helped Keith up so they could go to bed.

Keith smiled and followed Lance as they walked into the bedroom. Keith laid down on the bed, while Lance crawled to get in between his legs. "Lance. Close the door so the girls don't wake up." Lance quickly stood and locked the door before going back to his husband.
(Guys I'm about to write mild smut. Get ready cause I am very ready to try)

Lance dipped his fingers underneath the waist band of Keith's sweatpants. Keith groaned as Lance released his aching cock. The Cuban boy eagerly locked the underside of Keith's cock, getting a moan from the boy. Lance could feel every vein of Keith's cock. Keith groaned as Lance began pressing kisses to Keith's cock and eventually pressing kisses to Keith's hole.

Keith groaned and laid his legs onto Lance's shoulders, resting his calves on Lance's shoulders. Lance fed off of the groans and light moans his husband gave off. He dipped his tongue in and out of Keith's precious hole until he felt Keith pulsing against his face. He quickly left the hole and attached his lips to Keith cock and collected the cum that shot into his mouth. He looked up and saw that Keith was panting harshly.

He leaned up and kissed Keith on the lips gently. Keith kissed back as best as he could. Lance held Keith pull his underwear back on and then his sweatpants.

Lance covered Keith up with the sheet and pulled the cover off and down to the end of the bed, letting a thinner blanket cover the man. He unlocked and opened their bedroom door, then climbed into bed with Keith.

Keith scooted over so Lance could wrap his arms around him. Lance smiled and kissed Keith gently. "I love you so much darling." Lance said into Keith's ear. Keith shifted and kissed Lance's neck. "I love you too love."
Keith sighed as he shifted in bed, looking for Lance. He sat up quickly looking for his husband, and unintentionally making himself begin to girl. Running to the bathroom, he vomitted into the toilet bowl. He sighed as he cleaned himself up.

Walking down the hall to wake the girls, he found that their beds were made and they were not in the room. Maybe they were downstairs. He walked downstairs slowly so he wouldn't fall and hurt himself or Kimberlyn. He looked around and saw that no one was in the house. Looking outside he found that Lance's car was gone. He looked inside the garage and found that only his red Jeep was in the garage.

He found his phone in the bedroom and called Lance.

"Good morning sunshine." Lance chirped on the phone. Keith smiled and rolled his eyes

"Where are you and the girls?" Keith asked. "We went to the store for something. We just checked out. We should be home soon." Keith sighed in relief. "Okay. I'm waiting." Keith hung up and waited for about 10 minutes when the door opened in the mud room. He smiled when he heard squealing come from the mud room. "Mommy! Daddy took us to get you something!" Kanesha squealed as she hopped into the couch. Keith groaned and gripped his stomach. Lance came inside the living room with Aiyanna on his hip.

"Kanesha be careful with Mommy." Kanesha poked her mother's stomach. "Mommy what's that?" She asked pointing to Keith's stomach. Keith smiled and pulled her to him to give her a hug. "That's your baby sister. Mommy is having a baby soon." Keith explained. Kanesha smiled and poked Keith's stomach. Keith groaned in pain.

"Okay baby, that doesn't feel good." He said. Aiyanna pointed to her mother's stomach. "When is the baby coming out?" Aiyanna asked. Lance smiled and kissed her cheek. "In about 4 months. When you and Kanesha were born you guys were cramped up in there in a tiny ball so Mommy had to weigh more and get just a bit bigger so you guys would be healthy." Keith looked at him "I beg your pardon. I was not big baby girl. Daddy wants to make me mad." Kanesha lay on top on Keith's stomach and knocked lightly on the flesh.

"Baby!" She shouted. Lance snorted and put Aiyanna next to her mother and picked Kanesha up and swung her around. Keith smiled and looked to Aiyanna. She had a crown etched into her face. "What's wrong baby girl?" Keith asked. Aiyanna pouted. "I don't want a baby sister. Kay won't love me anymore. I'm just her stupid sister that she don't love." Keith sighed and pulled her into his lap.

"Kay will always love you. You two are twins. Nothing can break that bond. Okay princess?" Aiyanna nodded and laid her head on her mommy's tummy.

Going Forwards (Klance Omegaverse sequel to Going Backwards)Where stories live. Discover now