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2 years later

"Aiyanna! Kanesha! Time for breakfast!" Keith called up the stairs for the girls. The twins had been up for about an hour, so they could say goodbye to Lance before he left to go to work and the family always had breakfast together. Footsteps were heard running down the stairs. It was obviously Kanesha. She was the more energetic one. Aiyanna had become a very quiet and timid child. She didn't really want to do things herself. She always had Keith it Lance do it for her, like walk sometimes. A doctor had said that Aiyanna had been carried so much in her life- because Lance didn't want her to tire herself out as she had been a smaller baby and she had asthma- she acted as if she had no dependence on walking. So for the past month, Keith and Lance had been refusing to pick her up unless she was tired or was hurt or sick. It was hard for the both of them but they hadn't picked either of the girls up for almost a month now. Kanesha rushed into the kitchen and hugged her mother's legs. "Mommy! Up!" Kanesha begged. Keith shook his head as he poured a bowl of cereal for each girl. "I'm not picking you up. You're a big girl now. You can walk." Kanesha's big blue eyes filled with tears as she cried. Keith sighed and picked her up, setting her in her chair. "Mommy is not going to pick you up all the time." He said as Aiyanna walked into the kitchen. Aiyanna looked at him with her big violet eyes and he cracked. "Damnit." He said as he picked both girls up into his arms. Aiyanna just laid her head on his shoulder as Kanesha giggled. Lance walked down the stairs and smiled, kissing Keith on the lips and both girls on their heads. Aiyanna lifted her head to look at him."Daddy?" She asked and reached out for him. He smiled and lifted her into his eyes. "I want daddy!" Kanesha cried. "Do you not want to be with Mommy?" Keith asked. Kanesha giggled and pressed a sloppy kid to Keith cheek. "I wanna be with you Mommy!" She squealed as Keith pressed many kisses to her cheeks.

Aiyanna gripped Lance closet as she yawned and laid her head on his shoulder. "What's wrong princess?" Lance asked as he pet her back. "I wan you to stay daddy." She said. Lance smiled and kissed her head and looked to Keith. Keith smiled and touched her back. "Daddy won't be long. He's only gonna be gone for a little bit then he will come home and hold you. Is that okay princess?" Aiyanna nodded as Lance out her down and kissed her cheek. She giggled and wiped her deepening colored cheek. Her skin had been pale when she was born but it was beginning to just be a pale tan. Lance smiled and stood, giving Kanesha and Keith a kiss. "I love you all. I'll see you later love." He kissed Keith one more time before walking into the living room. Aiyanna waddled after him, her little panda plushie in her hands. He opened the door. "Bye bye daddy." He turned and saw Aiyanna with her golden brown hair in a bun waving cutely at him. He smiled and waved bye to her and her sister, who had come up with her sister. Kanesha's black hair was in a braid. "Bye bye Aiyanna and Kanesha. Be good for mommy." He said to the girls. Keith came up behind them and set his hands on their shoulders. "We will daddy." Keith answered. Lance smirked at his husband and closed the door behind him. Aiyanna gasped and looked outside the window to watch Lance get in his car from the couch. He backed out and drove off, leaving the little girl at the couch.

Keith picked her up and carried her and Kanesha to the table so they could eat their cereal. The girls ate very differently. Kanesha loved milk in her cereal and Aiyanna loves it dry. Keith set the small bowl of cereal in front of Kanesha, Fruit Loops with bananas and milk. Kanesha smiled and dug her spoon into her bowl. Aiyanna gasped and looked to her mother, who was putting the cereal up. "Mommy! I wan cereal too!" She cried. Keith laughed. "I know baby girl. Let me get you a bowl and your favorite cereal." He poured some Cheerios into a bowl and grabbed a much smaller bowl, the first bowl that Aiyanna ever had when she was 1 and chopped up strawberries into the bowl.

Another thing that Keith had noticed about the girls, they were allergic to different things than the other. Aiyanna was allergic to oranges and Kanesha was allergic to blueberries. He had learned those things the hard way.

He set the bowls in front of Aiyanna and see ate with her fingers. "When you two get done we are going to see Uncle Adam, Melody, Kari and James today and we are gonna go shopping." Aiyanna's eyes sparkled hearing Karilyn Mari's name. "Kari?" Keith smiled and took a strawberry, popping it into his mouth. Aiyanna whined, pawing at Keith's mouth. "Mommy!" She whined. Keith smiled and kissed her nose gently before doing the same to Kanesha. Kanesha was closer to Melody Ann then the others. The 4-year-old girl was very nice to the 2-year-old. Keith smiled at Kanesha who had finished her breakfast.

Aiyanna had finished her cereal and was just slowly eating her strawberries. "Girls go get your bags and then we can go." Kanesha jumped down and ran upstairs. Aiyanna slowly got down from her chair and waddled to the living room over to the shoe rack. Keith followed and watched as she dug into the shoe box and brought out her bag and Rafiki poked his head out of his doggie house in the house. He barked, startling her. She looked behind her and let Rafiki gently. "Hi Rafi." She said. The girls had nicknamed Rafiki Rafi in order to say it much easier.

Keith walked to her and knelt next to her. "Are u saying hi to Rafi?" He asked. She nodded and pet the Pomeranians head. He laid down inside the doggie house and Keith closed the door of it and picked Aiyanna up as her sister came down the stairs, her shoes on. Keith quickly slipped Aiyanna's shoes on and held the girls hand. They went to the car and got inside while Keith locked the house up and got in the car, driving off.

Going Forwards (Klance Omegaverse sequel to Going Backwards)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz