How to expect..

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  • Dedicated to Stephanie S.

<Chapter 1>

         The bell rings and I’m already out the school doors. School… the only place where I don’t see things. Today I’ll find out if I’m Special, not mentally special. You see I’m an angel who just happens to live in the mortal human world. Which you would think would make me special enough, however there are others. Others who either have their wings (which we can hide) taken or they become mortal or they are deemed Special. The Special get powers, keep their wings, live eternally, and also get to go on amazing quests; which sounds like a fairytale. Except the test you take lasts 4 weeks, and some angels don’t return. When you turn 15 you are tested.

         I see Mason my best friend. Who also happens to be the only mortal who knows I am an Angel. “Siena, did I ever tell you how much I love you?” He now has his arm around me. This is how he tests me. My reaction tells him everything. This is kind of our thing. Our own inside joke.

         “The only way that would happen is if you and I were dating.” He now lowers his arm. “You didn’t exactly answer me… but I don’t think now is the time anyway.” As we get to the bus my nerves begin to settle in. As we board I notice several of the other angels are too. Victara makes eye contact with me.; then makes her way over to our seat. “Siena I just wanted to tell you how adorable it is that you hang out with the sinners, as if you haven’t made enough trouble already.” “What do you mean “enough trouble already”?” “You’re testing today... And sorry sweetie its clear you won’t be deemed.” Mason decides to step in. “Thanks Victara but you know me as a “sinner” I’m pretty sure Siena is special already.” Victara went back to her seat.

         “Thanks but don’t refer to yourself as a sinner next time Mason”. “Gosh Siena your aren’t even deemed yet and your already a diva.”  This makes me laugh. We have such a special relationship. It’s so unbreakable. As soon as I am done laughing the nerves settle back in immediately. He notices somehow, I cannot hide anything from him. “Siena?” he looks straight through my hazel brown eyes with his sharp ocean blue ones. “Mason?” I look out the window; all the artificial trees only make the anxiety worse. Now my hands are sweaty. When I look back he’s still staring almost if he’s observing me. “What’s wrong?” I look at him with a little annoyance now. As the bus approaches the stop; I see my mother’s car.

         Already full aware I don’t want to take the test. Which honestly I do mostly because then I can get it out of my head. Finally the bus arrives and I and Mason are the only two at the stop. We get up and grab our stuff and try to focus on the windows. I still can’t help but notice the eyes following me as I step off. Breathing in the air that smells of the earth rotting; it makes sense we don’t live far from the barrier.

         They say a long time ago there wasn’t one. That’s so hard to believe because of all that happened here. My thick dark brown hair gets caught in my eyelashes as the wind blows. As we walk to the car and the bus drives off Mason comes closer. “Siena” He seems serious as he looks into my eyes. “Just remember to be you”. “I will”.  He keeps walking as I push myself into the car.

         “So are you ready?” I had forgotten for a second my mother was taking me to be tested; A second way too long. “As ready as Romeo and Juliette’s family were to accept their children’s love.” “Simple sweetie... sinners ok”? “You and mason… That won’t work for your test.” “There is no me and him and who cares if there is?” “The people testing you, they won’t like how you and a sinner are friends.” “You sound like a movie mom.” “During the test everything will matter.”

         I think about this. What did she mean by everything? Did she like mason as a friend of mine? Mason was hot. It was true… all the girls said I was lucky; to me though he was forbidden. (Angel Rule 27: Thou shall never under any circumstances have a relationship at any level with a sinner.) Also I being friends with a mortal or a “sinner” was enough breakage already. I was already testing the boundaries.

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