Envelope Necklaces..

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        I presume I am being watched by cameras and pretty much everyone. Jason might have read me a little because he is looking at me with a worried expression. He tells me in my head stay strong Siena… just wait until we are alone.

         I nod and keep my eyes shut the last few seconds of the ride, Maybe that will keep me from lashing out and screaming. I step off the elevator and the woman guides us back to the room.

        Apparently she can’t tell I’m freaking out inside.

         That’s good if I can hide it though. She opens the door and lets us enter. As soon as she closes it I’m storming across the room. I find a letter on my bed and see it’s from him. “Why the hell would he do this? I don’t want this!”

         I throw the letter across the room. I throw my fists into the bed several times. After a while I just sit there and start crying. Jason comes over and holds me. I don’t stop for a while. I don’t stop until I can’t cry any longer.

         I lie back on Jason’s chest. I notice Bryce and Janey standing in the doorway. Janey looks shocked maybe because I’m always comforting her. Bryce looks sorry for earlier. He still doesn’t like me at all from what I can tell. They return to the other room.

        “It’s okay. I know you don’t really care right now. He might have had a reason.” Jason has a hint of anger in his voice. “I’m so mad he made you feel like this… Siena I could freaking punch him.”

         Then I tell him what I’m thinking… Jason, it’s all okay. I don’t know what it is about me that people don’t trust. My mother, Mason, even Bryce. But I’ll be okay. I have one person that trusts me. That’s you. He turns me around so we are breathing in the same air. Siena. I have never said this but I think I’m falling in love with you.

         His eyes are as clear as water. They even sparkle. We both smile when I say “Diddo”. He pulls me in to kiss. This time it’s different, it’s not rushed at all.

         His hands are holding my face and when I break away he says yeah definitely. About an hour later they bring the food for dinner in; its mashed potatoes with slow cooked brisket. There is also something I’ve heard of called green beans.

        It used to grow before the earth went through wars and disaster. It’s truly filling. I’m the first to get ready for bed while the others are still eating. I see the letter on the ground heading towards the bed. I pick it up and I open it. There is a letter inside. It reads…

Dear Siena,

You may want to know who I am. My name is Mason. I am from the dark realm and I know your father. He says I should tell you he’s in prison. He will get out in two days. So I know you are mad because I betrayed you. I only did it to protect you. That’s why your mother hates me because she knows your father asked me too. I am a guardian angel and even though I’m from a different realm I’m not evil. It’s just how it worked out. I want to apologize for not telling you sooner. I honestly do. I hope that you know I did it for a reason because you are so far from being stupid. Siena this is not something I want to tell you. But I must because I’m here to protect you from everything. Your real mother is not someone you have met. She is also from the dark realm but she died. She died from cancer five years ago. That lady you stay with is not your real mother… she took you out of the dark realm when you were two and to Annastin. Siena you’re from the dark realm. You are like me…I know you’re not evil. So you don’t believe me? Look at the sun you have. Put on the necklace in this envelope. It shows true heritage. If your sun glows you’re not from the dark realm. If it turns black like ink then you’re like me. I already know what will happen to you. Siena when you’re ready please come out tomorrow morning. Fly to the stream in the woods…don’t worry it’s safe. I use to go fishing there every summer. Please meet me.

LOVE FOREVER your best friend, Mason

        I find myself confused for a while. I reread the letter and follow his instructions. I knew he had a reason and I know I’m not evil. So that’s why I feel special… I’m not like everybody else. Mason isn’t either. This makes me feel stronger.

         The sun is definitely black like ink with the necklace. How am I going to tell Jason? Will he care or will he treat me like everybody else. Jason walks in the room and asks “Where is the necklace from”?

        I look at the envelope and back at him. Read it. He picks it up and reads it. He smiles and says “Told you that you were different”.  He stands and kisses me on the forehead.

         Don’t worry I’m still falling.  He goes to get ready. I cannot believe all of it. I cannot even believe that I’m taking this so well. But I am I’m staying strong. Right now I am only conflicted for one reason.

         I think I’m falling for Mason.

         I try to keep the thought out of my head when I craw into bed. They are all getting ready but I fall asleep. I wake again even a little earlier than normal. Jason is holding me. So he didn’t let Janey. I hold back a giggle and slowly get up. 

        Thankfully Jason is a heavy sleeper.

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