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        Janey is next to me when I wake up and rise slowly the next morning. Somehow I don’t remember her coming to bed; whatever it may be from the exhaustion and possibly drugs. Jason and Bryce are still fast asleep.

         To my surprise Janey gets up with me. We both get tea but Janey’s is black. She also follows me to the balcony. I sit across from her. The sun has just risen and the air is a succulent sweet smell.

         The trees are aspens. After what seems like 15 minutes she says “It’s nice seeing Jason like this.” What does that mean? “What?” She smiles and giggles.

         “I have never seen Jason spend so much time with someone and he looks at you different.” I smile because I guess it’s true. Even though I just met Jason I get that vibe. “Just so you know Bryce has a thing for you too. It looks like you’re the girl on every guy’s mind.”

         Now that shocks me. “Bryce doesn’t seem like that type. How do you know?” She and I are having an actual conversation. I don’t really have many girl friends like everyone else. It’s pretty much just Mason and Mason. It’s a big difference.

        “He looks jealous when he sees you and Jason together. He kind of separates himself from the situation.” I nod like I understand but I don’t. I don’t see what a guy would see in a girl like me. There are so many others out there.

         Why would I be the one out of all of them? She may see this confusion because she changes topics.

         “What do you think test three will be?” I think before saying “It’s going to be something different or unexpected. I doubt these officials keep this test the same every year.”

         She nods. “That makes sense…different angels for different challenges.” After my tea is gone I wait until she’s done to get ready. She does my make-up because she says she doesn’t know how much longer she will be able to use it.

         It looks really good too. I have the perfect make-up on for my face. Hopefully that helps for today. I put my hair in a tight pony and put on a leather jacket, hunting boots, and some blue jeans.

         The jeans are tighter than my own I wear but it’s a small difference. Janey runs over and puts eyeliner on me because it would supposedly look good with my outfit.

After looking in the mirror I know Janey is right.

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