Roses and Axe Murderers

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        The first thing I see is many other angels; both girls and boys all staring at me. They all smiled and started clapping. I let one of my own smiles out. As a tall, lean man with a gray beard approached. “Are you Siena Woodridge?” “That’s me” I state which seems hard to believe.

         “Congratulations. You have passed the first test.” I can’t help but smile and laugh; “Really?” “Yes Siena you have passed.” He was extremely unenthusiastic. I honestly couldn’t care though. He hands over a thick metal band that looks kind of like a bracelet. My eyes shut. I see me at least… I think it’s me hugging a boy.

         I can’t see his face. He has wings too. My eyes open again. That was a vision.  I realize he’s still holding it out. He had been observing me. “Siena this is the band you will be wearing throughout all of your tests. It has a symbol on it.

         That will be yours. Find others who have the same symbol.” I take the band and look it over. It is really strong. It has a circle plate with what is my symbol. Mine is a rose.

         Engraved in metal is my name under it; strange. This has to mean something. I look up and see Victara. Why did she have to be the one I can’t stop running into? “I didn’t expect you to pass… well at least this soon.” I give her the devil look. “How would you even fail that test?”

         “The doors they were old movies. The Hunger Games was about a girl who was sent into a fight to the death. 24 people entered. There was only one winner. All the others died. There might have been more. However I forgot. Divergent was about a girl who went into a social group; even though she couldn’t be controlled. They wanted her dead. Let’s say the society was crumbling. The Fault in our Stars is about a girl and a boy. The girl has terminal cancer. He has an amputated leg due to the cancer. They fall in love. The boy’s cancer comes back and he ends up dying; sad.” “So how does this have to do with the test and failing?” “Siena let me finish. You see the robot said enter one. Some people thought to enter a door. The door put you in that situation. You could live and come through that door over there or die in the world.”

         I walk away. I thought that when angels didn’t come back it was because they were transferred to another town. I now know that they die. I look at my bracelet and decide to walk to the corner of the room. There is a girl with beautiful blonde hair. “Excuse me. My name is Siena. Is your symbol a rose?”

          She laughs and points to the middle of the room; where some other angels are. I walk away. Maybe she is mentally unstable. I go towards the people. There are 4 girls and 5 guys. Outnumbered already…this makes me crack a smile. I hear a boy whisper to the other as I come closer “She’s hot”. “Hey the blonde girl over there told me that we all had the same symbol.” The guy who whispered said “Yeah a rose. What’s your name?”

         I am still smiling. I sit by one of the girls; across from him. “I’m Siena.” “Well Siena nice to meet you. I’m Jason; guys?” They all go around in a circle introducing them “Sophia, Myra, Caydence, Janey, Broady, Dylan, and Bryce.” Out of all of the girls Janey seemed the nicest and Jason definitely the hottest. His eyes were like Mason’s only the green hazel version; “Nice to meet y’all.” They all continue talking.

         Then Janey says “Siena we should be friends;” “Yeah sure why not?”  Then the announcer said “Please choose 4 people and go into the team leader’s room”. I am immediately am pulled by a hand. It was Jason.  “Siena... Janey, Bryce, and I are in the same group. You want to come with us?”

        “That sounds a little ax murdered-ish but sure.” This makes both of us laugh. As I follow him to the room. It occurs to me that I have never kissed a boy before. Now was not the time to be thinking about that though.

         Why didn’t I get my own room?

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