Only Stars

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        I end up in this brightly lit questioning looking room. There is a table with four of what I suppose are observers in front of a comfy looking chair. The girl motions for me to sit so I do. The chair isn’t all that comfy. The observer with red hair looks only around 20.  That’s what I am thinking before she asks “Siena do you know what happened to your father?” Shock and anxiety take me over.

         I didn’t expect them to bring him into this. A nurse I assume rushes into the room and injects me with something… truth serum? I don’t know but I calmed myself or maybe the drugs. After a while I answer “My mother tells me that he was murdered when I was 3.”  Confusion swipes over their four faces. “Siena your father was from the dark realm and is serving time in a prison.”

         I am not even sure why but I shout “So he’s not dead and my mother has been lying?” They are as shocked as I am but nod. I guess it’s an effect of the truth serum… it makes you blurt what you are feeling the most.  “I’m sorry” and I sit back in the un-comfortable chair.

         They seem okay now also. “If you were put into a situation where you could save your dad and your mother but not yourself or only you… what would you do?” I sit there until saying “I would attempt to save myself after saving my parents.” They jot down some notes before she asks me like twenty more questions.

         I answer them all as best I can. At the end the girl from before leads me to my room. I open the door and Jason is the only one back. The drugs have hopefully worn off by now. I lie on my bed and he comes and sits next to me.

         I tell him about my father and he holds me. Holds me and then I fall asleep. When I awake next he is still next to me and he hasn’t let go. Janey and Bryce are lying asleep in the other bed. I am proud of Janey she is still standing strong, from what I can tell. I wake him up and he gives me a cute smile.

         “Janey asked me to move but I wanted to hold you.” I smile back. “Thanks… I was kind of emotional” I whisper. “It was nice actually seeing you vulnerable for once because you are so strong and you don’t let me comfort you.” I nod because this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. Mason told me this once. We get up and go on the balcony... careful not to wake the others up also. “So who’s Mason?” I laugh and answer “Mason is my best friend he’s a mortal but he tries to understand.” I don’t mention that he’s been in love with me since 5th grade.

        I use to think that I was too but I never admitted to it; forbidden anyways. Its night now and the stars are out. “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.” I smile “Julius Ceaser could not be more right” I look up and see Orion and the Eagle. “Come here” he says softly.

         I walk over to him and he’s holding me again. I lean my head on his chest. “Sometimes I hate all of this.” “Why” he asks curiously. “We all have these rules and these set paths people choose for us. We hardly get a choice. Others say that life is full of choices. But we never… hardly ever get to make one for ourselves. We have set boundaries that we can’t cross.”

         He nods I think then says “That’s true but I do know this… you are going to live a good and long life filled with great and terrible moments that you cannot even imagine yet. I also know that life is the art of drawing without an eraser. But that’s the joy and beauty of it. We have boundaries but there just there to be broken.”

         I laugh. “What?” “It’s just that you couldn’t be more adorable or right in that moment”.  Jason brings me in closer but I turn towards his face. His eyes look like the stars. His expression changes and he looks at me more serious.

         He leans into me and his lips are soft. It hits me that this was my first kiss. With Jason who really understands me like nobody else can. He pulls away slowly and smiles.

         I look out. “I remember this really old song called Not about Angels. It has always stayed in my memory” I say mostly to the moment. “Sing it” he asks. After he pleads for a while… I do. “We know full well there’s just time. So is it wrong to toss this line?

         If your heart is full of love, could you give it up? What about angels, what about angels? They will come they will go and make us special. Don’t give me up. Don’t give me up. How unfair it’s just our love, found something real that’s out of touch. But if you searched the whole world; would you dare to let it go. What about angels, they will come they will go and make us special. Don’t give me up. Don’t give me up. What about angels, they will come they will go and make us special. It’s not about angels. Angels.” I felt that song when I was singing it too.

         “I didn’t know you could sing like that”. I turn to look at him and he does look surprised. “Next time it’s my turn”. We both laugh and I see Janey get up. “We should probably go in now” I say softer than I thought. He nods in agreement and I walk to the door.

         So I guess I am testing the boundaries aren’t I?

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