What Kills Me The Most...

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        I take a shower and put on the same hunting boots. I throw on a white tee shirt and the leather jacket. I do my make up the same but without any eyeliner. I decide to tie my hair up also in case I have to make a quick getaway.

        I look back at my friends and pray nobody wakes before I return. I open the balcony’s sliding door. The sun hasn’t fully rose yet. The air is a more earthy smell though. I like it better this way. I look in all directions for any cameras or guards.

        I open my wings and take one last look at the ground. I leap off the railing and now I’m flying. I pass over a few aspens before I decide to land. It would be better for me to find the stream by foot; due to the fact that it might help if I wasn’t found roaming the woods and not in the training center.

        I jump over a log that happens to have bugs all over it. I keep walking until I hear the stream… last chance to turn and run Siena. I go towards the rushing water and hide behind a tree. I see Mason just whistling while sitting on a rock.

        I move and the leaves rustle. He hears it but maybe thinks it’s only a bird. Are angels technically birds? I step out of the brush completely and into the dim sunlight. He stands up as I cross the stream. “I didn’t think you were going to come” he says with a smile.

         I make it to the other side before answering “If my best friend who happens to be just like me asks me to meet him I better do so.” He laughs before gesturing for me to sit on a rock. I laugh and say “Nice place you have here”. I say it sarcastically but I think it’s beautiful. The aspens give off a nice aroma too.

         “Thanks I try” he sits down on the rock next to mine; boulders really. “So since you did just find out who you are and all… I thought I should tell you some things.” He waits for an answer so I reply “That might be a nice thing to do”. He nods and continues. “Okay then so I know this because I trespassed. But in test six they try to know everything about you; everything Siena.” “Then they would know that were from…” He nods before saying “We have to leave this place forever. We have to go someplace they won’t know us. If they catch you Siena they will kill you. They don’t know you so don’t give them a chance to do that. We have to leave and escape after test five.”

         “What about everything? What happens to the rest of them?” He sits next to me to look into my eyes. He takes my hand in his “Siena we have to leave everything we know. They won’t stop until your dead.” I stand up and he lets me walk off. I have to leave everything…everyone. I have to go into the unknown.

         I come back to the stream and sit next to Mason. “Okay” I say as soft as possible. I either leave or die. Maybe even die trying but I have to go.  Go with Mason who just might be more than a best friend. He’s so strong all the time. I won’t let myself cry when I realize this means leaving Jason. Besides it’s for the best. If they know about us at all they will hurt him. I have to leave him before I really even leave. That might be what kills me.

         I tell Mason I have to go and he does too, but we don’t dare risk leaving at the same time. I walk back to the brush and jump the log later on. I get to the clearing and fly up to the balcony. Janey just wakes up when I enter the room. She looks dazed so I quickly go to the kitchen before she is fully conscious.

          Janey and I do our daily morning routine; which today includes two cups of chai tea which I insisted she tried. I don’t want to alert Jason just yet so I wake him the same way. Apparently he was just waiting for me to do that and was awake.

         I see Bryce out on the balcony alone so I decide to mend the tension best I can. I walk out there and stand next to him. I tell him everything about me that I now know. I tell him everything which serves also as a stress releaser for me.

         He doesn’t say anything after I’m done. He finally says “I’ll give it to you Siena, you’re a skilled liar.” I turn to look at him but he’s coming closer now.

He looks angry but I go inside before he can hurt me.

                              I can take him…right?

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