Killer Instinct?

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        Bryce is already up and shaving while Janey is doing yoga in the living room; which she won’t even be able to do after a few days. I sit next to Jason on his bed because he is still asleep. I comb my fingers through his dark hair and kiss him on the cheek to wake him.

         He looks really dazed so much it’s kind of funny. He sits up and uses the fake yawn technique to put his arm around me. I laugh and look at him. “Promise you will wake me up like that every day.” I nod and smile.

         I move his arm and he fake frowns. “You have to get ready. You know because you’re being tested.” He smiles and gets up. I go to the other room where Bryce is and say “Why are you always so quiet.”

         He doesn’t notice it’s me until he looks up. He looks back down at his feet. I sit next to him and softly say “You can tell me what’s up okay?”

         He replies really angrily “You don’t know me. You’re just another girl Jason likes and you’re nothing special. I know more about you then you think.” I know I look confused. He stands up and continues.

         “Your dad killed my mother! You act like you don’t know that. But you’re just playing everyone... especially Jason. You don’t know me. But I know you Siena! I know you more than I even want too…I hate you. So leave me alone and stop the act.”

         He walks onto the balcony and slams the door. What…. So I know that my father is from the dark realm. I now know that Bryce hates me. I also know that my mother has lied since as long as I can remember and that my dad is a murderer. That’s why my father is in prison.  But what’s worse is that other people know what I don’t.  That other people know more about me then I do.

         Janey comes from around the corner with an understanding look on her face. “You don’t know anything about him do you?”

         she asks knowing the answer.  “No but everyone else seems to know him.” She nods and crosses the room to hug me. “I’m fine but he’s not. Go I’m sure you can help him. She nods and walks to the balcony. I don’t want a hug now. I go to tell Jason and I do but after I let him hug me.

        Then I hear “Jason Mellows and Siena Woodridge please exit your room.” As we go to the doors I hear Bryce yelling but I still say “Let the third test begin.” The same girl leads us down the hall but this time to an elevator. It takes us down two floors and the doors open into a large room.

         It has weapons on carts and targets against a wall. She tells us to train. We can’t exactly ask questions because she says “No questions”. I look at the carts. I See swords varying in blade size, spears, knives, snare setters, nets, crossbows and bows and arrows. They also have a ring for hand to hand combat.

         I head for the knives and pick up the small but lethal looking one. I turn to the wall with the target shaped like a human. I put one foot forwards bend slightly. Next thing I know there is a knife I threw right in the head of the target. New found skill!

         Jason looks at me like he’s seen a ghost. I smile and shrug my shoulders. Guess I have a killer-instinct literally. After throwing all the other knives I decide to watch Jason. He is pretty accurate but misses like 3 times. I didn’t miss once to my surprise. I’m not sweating either which is weird… because I sweat. Ok why am I thinking about that? That’s weird.

         I walk over to the cart which holds the bows and arrows. I once went hunting with my mom’s friends daughter; only once because she almost shot me instead of game. She and I weren’t really friends though… we dealt with one another due to our moms’ friendship. That was pretty much it because we just were too different. She had plenty of other friends I’m sure… were as I had Mason. Her name was Caitlyn and that is all I really knew.

         At least that’s all I cared to know. Anyways on that trip I shot down four ducks and one buck. She told me I was gifted because it was my first time. Then again she also told me she was a great hunter. I try shooting with the large one but it’s two big. I move on to the second sized one which seems to be alright. I shoot and completely miss.

        The arrow ends up next to the shoulder but in the wall. After about fifteen minutes or what I tell myself I can shoot and hit the targets with ease. Jason is now throwing the knives with ease also. He goes over to the ring and an instructor comes out. This instructor doesn’t seem like the type for hand to hand combat.  He looks like a nerd… the computer geeks of high school who haven’t grown up.

         He has dark brown hair but he does have muscles. Not as big as Jason’s or Mason’s. Oh my god their names rhyme! He towers over Jason. He says something but I don’t hear what. I decide I should train in this skill also.

         I put down the bow and retrieve the arrow from the wall. I walk over there slow because I have a feeling of being watched. I climb into the ring and say “I want to train too.” He smiles like he just got an idea before replying “Alright then”.

         He shows us how to attack from behind and front. He shows us how to punch and dodge. Then when I guess we get his approval he says “Okay. Y’all are ready.”

         Before I say for what he says fight and leaves the rink. I look at Jason and he is confused and not prepared. I smile and strike him with my foot. This just happens to push him to the ground. He looks at me with shock and maybe even a little awe. He smiles and says “Fine no hard feelings when I beat you then.” I laugh but still say “Or vise-versa.”

         He stands up again and charges towards me. Somehow I dodge most of him but he still catches my lower leg. I almost face plant but catch myself. While he is almost up I kick him in the rear end and he goes down. He stands up and we rotate in a circle before he charges again.

         This time I wasn’t expecting it. I fall but he puts his hand under me so I don’t fall hard. He smiles at me from above. I smile and kick with both my feet so that he virtually flies back. I open my wings and fly to grab him before he crashes to the ground. I put them back in and extend my hand. He looks at it then smiles. He takes it but doesn’t shake it.

         He throws me over his shoulder and I slam on the ground but not to where it hurts. Well at least not that bad. I laugh and he pulls me up. “Truce” he asks. I just nod because I see someone in the corner. So I was being watched.

         The real question is for how long? I climb out of the ring and Jason follows. The lady appears from the elevator again. She explains that this was only part one of test three and that there was more to come. She tells us to get rest and is guiding us back to the elevator when it un-expectedly opens.

         A familiar face with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes steps out with another official.

         Who happens to look exactly like my official.  Before I am even able to say a word the ladies do an exchange of us and the elevator door closes.


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