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Also real quick I wanna mention cjthetaco my man or gal you be cool,and don't think I forgot about all you that have voted thanks!

Katsuku life was great she had a near unbeatable quirk, her parents were rich, she had every thing she ever wanted. Well expect one. His name was Izuku Midoriya her childhood best friend turn victim. But she was not just braking her friend over and over. It pains her so much to do it. But that's something she will never admit. Maybe it's her pride or her fear of how he might react. She had always been protecting him whether he realized it or not. It had all started all those years ago. Izuku had just turn four and had returned from the quirk diagnosis office or Q.D.O. and had been diagnosed quirkless.

At first her belief in Izuku was unwavering. But seeing him come to school beaten and bruised with injuries she could not figure out were coming from ,and leaving school with more just  made her worry if he could not defend him self from bullies how would he fare against a villain. It didn't help he seemed to ware old and worn clothes constantly. So she did the only thing she could she broke his confidence. After all it was for his protection.

It was not very hard all she had to do was insult him and push him around a bit. But she hate every moment of hurting her Izuku.She hated no matter how much she pushed him he never got angry, or how he always came to her with those lost puppy eyes her deku so sad. She knew people were doing much worse with out her knowing. After all this school was just one big game of follow the leader, and Katsuku knew who it was they followed like wild animals.

Her it didn't matter how long or how much she told those extras to fuck off, but some where along the line they blurred the line between  right and wrong. They always took it to far pushing Izuku to the brink. It was the two months in to school. It  was the final year at her shit school before the big leagues at U.A when Izuku snapped.

Izuku' life had turned to shit after his father left. His mother never fully divorced his father. Always said it was "just in case" he never knew what that meant. But he did know what it meant for their financial situation no child support meant his mom had to work. That would have work if she had not fought with a coworker and got her nursing license taken away.

They were broke constantly barely scraping by pay check to paycheck. He worked as well but never told his mother so he could save up and by groceries.Of corse his mother addictions did not help drugs and alcohol became a norm in the Midoriya household. Not to mention that bastard she called a boyfriend bumming money for his own "habits".

His mother was either drunk or high and it did not help with her temper. She had beaten Izuku so bad he could not go to school and could not work for weeks at his job. But he still loved her and foolishly believed he could change her. It never happened and as she aged the more angry and bitter she became. Izuku thought his hell would never end.Until one day she just stopped. She showed him how to cooks,clean,do laundry,etc. Izuku thought that maybe she had changed and realized the error in her ways. He even believed he might be able to convince her to leave her boyfriend. But it just mad him more angry when she left like she was taunting him with what life could have been for him.

Izuku had gotten back from the 5 mile walk back from the bus stop to his shitty run down apartment. Sure it was a long walk but his mother liked the privacy. She could indulge in her "habits" far more often then in the city. He walked to the door and grabbed the handle and turned it expecting to see his mother on the coach out of it, but it did not bulge. Instead he looked to see for the problem. Looking at what he thought was another late notice hung on the door. He inspected it hoping to be able to pay this months rent, but was not welcomed by the sight instead a note. "Dear Izuku, don't try to get in to the apartment the doors are locked. I could not take the stress of caring for you. You made my life miserable. Your father left, I lost my job, I lost my friends, I even became an addict because of you. I hate you Izuku Midoriya. No not Izuku Midoriya you don't deserve the Midoriya name. I hate you Izuku. I kept your shit but I left you some clothes. Even scum like you deserve that much. Don't try to come in my boyfriend is her and he can totally kick your ass." She even drew a little 🖕fuck you on it.

Izuku just stared blankly. He thought she had changed he thought she had finally started caring for him. He thought wrong. Izuku felt so much rage he wanted to bust down the door and tell his mother no Inko his mind, but that fucking asshole of a boyfriend was there. Letting his rage cool he decided to look for his clothes because Inko had not said where they were in the letter. After about ten minutes he found them under the old stairs that led up to her apartment. Grabbing the plastic bag his clothes were in he just started walking back to the bus stop. Sure by the time he got there would be no buses but the bus stop would make for a good shelter.

It wasn't Izuku's first time being kicked out, but it seemed as if this one was to permanent. He knew which places to avoid and which places to hide in. To say he knew the streets like the back of his hand was an understatement. He sipped in to the back of a department me store on the walk to the bus stop. He was not going to steal anything well except trash. Izuku walked over to the trash bin and quickly looked through it.He could not go dumpster diving because there would be no way to get rid of the smell which slightly annoyed him. But that annoyance quickly turned to happiness. He found a FULL quilt it just had a tear and a small stain. Easily fixed he had been stitching up his own clothes since he was little. All he need was a paper clip and string. Easily found in dumpster just got a bit more in there.

Stitching it up took about an hour, and it was getting late. He decide it would be best if he just found a place to rest. He found a place near his old house. "Funny Kacchan must live around here. Bet she find my situation hilarious." Izuku thought with some spite. "But I bet she would cry to its my birthday tomorrow after all."Izuku thought sadly. Ignoring his thoughts he tried his best to welcome the peaceful darkness of sleep


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