How long?

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Hey readers just want to thank all those that have read this book and comment you know who you are thanks you really made me want to get up and immediately start writing

Katsuku's mood had been utterly shit. For the last cupol of days. First of she had to hurt Izuku because of that stupid fucking dream. Why could he not just give up? Why did he always have to always be so resistant?

It went down like this, the teacher had every one take some stupid future job,high school,and college assessment test, or the j.h.c. test. Of corse she put down she was going to U.A. But then Izuku did something so stupid he put down he was going to U.A to. Now that already put her in a bad mood then some bitch with a brown bob cut had the nerve to tell Izuku that if he ever wanted a quirk he should "take a swan dive of the roof" and that only her and Bakgou where the only ones worthy of U.A.,but then the entire class laughed like him dying was some sick joke.

She almost fucking went nuclear literally. What stopped her was that look in his eyes like he had been told and treated worse. Izuku just wasn't Izuku anymore that lovable dope from when they were kids was dead. All that was left was a hollow shell of a dying mind.

The boy she loved was almost gone because of her. It took twelve years to notice. Twelve long years to notice the hell she put him through. Class end just like that and the school day was over. Katsuku felt her sins crawling on her back.

She need to apologize she need to rekindled that relationship. Izuku left the class room that dame brown head bitch followed with her own lackeys. Katsuku mind race with that they could be doing she could not allow them to hurt him. Quickly she followed the girl what she saw she can never unsee.

The girl and her fucking lackeys beating the shit out of Izuku. The icing on the cake was what came next. The brown head girl used her quirk on him , and he started to float. Izuku quickly fought back and tried to run away but couldn't win against so many people.The lackeys then span Izuku around gathering up speed they let go and Izuku slammed in to the wall and he went out like a light. But what made Katsuku sick was when they started taking of his clothes. Izuku was just in his boxers laying in the floor. Student and teachers walked by, but did nothing. The girls pulled out their phones and took pictures. Katsuku was frozen by guilt and shock.

What pulled her out of it was when they tried taking it past their already broken limits. "We should do it with him." One of the lackeys said. "With a fucking quirkless loser? That's fucking disgusting." Another one said while she kicked Izuku body causing to him duly spin in the air. "But look at that body. Those abs and those sexy scars. If you guys aren't down I don't mind if I took him to a more private area." The lackey said with a sick smile. That brought Kasuku out of it. But they weren't actually going to do it right?

"I think your right." Said the brown headed girl. Katsuku almost killed her right then and there. How fucking dare they touch her Izuku.But she need to get proof of what they were doing. Katsuku pulled out her phone and started recording.

"Come one lets move this fucking little bitch" Command the brown head. Katsuku was on the verge of killing all of them. One of them grabbed Izuku and pulled his floating body to an empty class room. Katsuku followed behind them with her phone. "Lock the dame door you dumb bitch!" The brown hair said. Katsuku tried rushing in but a click told her that her endeavor was useless.

Katsuku went up to the door and put her phone up to the glass on the door. She peered through at them. One girl got on top of him and started to take of his Allmight boxers. That's it she could not let them do this to her Izuku. Katsuku let out a series of small explosions on the door's hinges. Quiet enough that they don't notice just strong enough to brake the tiny pieces of steel.

Katsuku got angle then *kaboom* her quirk sent the door rocketing towards one of the lackeys. You see most doors are made of plywood or metal. This one was made of plywood. Now you might think it would better if it was metal, but do you know what happens when an object can not compress or move in time when a force is act on it. It brakes plain and simple.

Now imagine thousands of little splinters and chunks of wood propelled by an explosion. Hurt like bitch right? Well let's just imagine those thousands of little needles some going all the way down bone. To say the brown head and her little gang was out was an understatement.

Katsuku dressed Izuku and bandaged him up. She lightly picked him up careful of his wounds and brought him to the nurses office and kissed him good night. Know to find him sleeping in the cold outside just made her angry and sad. ......

How long? How long had he been like this!?

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