In the arms of family

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Izuku almost shit him self from his mother screaming at him. Wait his mother? Wasn't he kicked out? Izuku sighed deeply he know who was screaming at him. "What do you want kacchan?" Izuku asked in a dry tone.

...... " what the FUCK do you mean what do you want?" Katsuku asked angrily
"I mean what do you want?" Izuku said.
"What the hell do you think I want deku!?" Katsuku barked back.
"Ahh you want to know why I am here." Izuku said sarcastically.
"No shit Sherlock" Katsuku replied
"Do you know why I come to school with  fresh cuts and bruises,or why I have such shit clothes?" Izuku said in a sad tone.
"Isn't because of those dick bags all ways trying to impress me?" Katsuku said in a questioning manner.
"Huh didn't know mom was trying to impress you." Izuku said casually.
"Huuuuuh oh wait. Does that. No it can't mean what I think." Katsuku said in a very sad and uncertain voice.
"Ding ding ten pints to Kacchan. No would you kindly fuck off I'm really not in the mood for this shit. You can beat the hell out of me later."

Izuku heard some shuffling then a very quiet and angry "I'm going to rip her fucking head off." Izuku smiled he almost expected Kacchan to beat the shit out of him for telling her to fuck off,but she was angry for him. How long had it been since he had talked to some on who had not beat the shit out of him.

"BUT first your coming with me!" Katsuku's loud voice rang out. Izuku could not even react. Katsuku scopes him up in her arms. Izuku just laid there with a massive blush.
"W-what are you doing Kacchan?" Izuku squeaked out."
"What does it look like taking you to my home." Kacchan said.

Katsuku was levied she had finally figured out why Izuku always looked like shit.Ohh boy she did not like the answer. She had planned on braking a few bones of who ever was, but then it was Izuku's MOTHER Inko. Boy did she planed to fucking destroy her. But first she had to take care of Izuku.

It only took her a couple of seconds to reach her lavish house. She was careful to make the ride there smooth as to not hurt Izuku. As for Izuku he just stared at her with a really big blush that he tried to hide from her. Katsuku laid Izuku down gently on the coach.

For a second Izuku thought back to the days when the world was simpler. When they were kids. When they were young and naive to the world around them. Izuku could not help but smile for the first time in along time.
"Hey Kacchan when did we stop being friends?" Izuku questioned tears spilling from his eyes.
"We never did you stupid deku." Kastsuki said as she embraced Izuku in an gentle but loving hug.

It had been a while since Izuku had cried form some other reason them pain. But this time he had found a light in this never ending darkness. Bakugo "Kacchan" Katsuku was her name his shining beacon.

Katsuku stayed with him for hours as he cried. She need this. She need to know he still trust her. That he could cry in front of her and not feel ashamed. But why did she also fine his freckled face so adorable, and why did his bitch of a mother have to stain it with tears. She will pay. But for now she had to save Izuku from his darkness.

Izuku cried for a while but he could not bring him self to stop no matter how much he worried he was annoying Katsuku. The soothing feeling of her soft hands through his hair calmed him. For the first time in a long time forest green eyes meet crimson with no fear, but unbridled happiness.

This joy both Izuku and Katsuku felt was endless. But eventually all good things come to an end. The sound of a door opening alerted them that they had a viewer.

Mitsuki Bakugou had seen a lot of things. But her daughter cuddling with the forest haired childhood friend that had moved years ago was something she had yet to see until now. She could not be more proud of her daughter.

A crimson blush as deep as Katsuku eyes spreed across both of their faces. Izuku just froze and Katsuku tried her best to explain.
"Soooo... mom I bet your wondering what's going on?" Katsuku said in a nervous voice.
"No need my little darling you finally became a woman didn't you. Oohhhh I'm so proud!" Mitsuki said as a tear streamed down her face.
"Noooo mom your so perverted you old hag." Katsuku said as her blush some how became even deeper.
"Ohhh how disappointin. Well what's the real reason I won't be a grandma?" Mitsuki said in a annoyed voice.

A deep sigh escaped Katsuku mouth, and Izuku turned away. The air seemed to become thicker.
"Mom your going to want to sit down." Katsuku said in a very serious voice.

Mitsuki seemed taken a back from the change of tone before sitting down in an arm chair facing toward her daughter.
"What's going on?" Mitsuki said on a very worried tone.
"Do you want me to tell her Izuku." Katsuku said in a soft voice.
Izuku node tears threatening to spill out once more.
"Do you still have the note." Katsuku asked in a sweet voice.
Another quick nod and shaken hands went in to pockets and came out even shaker with a crumpled up paper in his sweaty hands.
"Mother you need to read this, but don't brake anything ok." Kastsuki told her mother.

Mitsuki just took the old paper in to her hands, but the the contents in almost made her destroy everything in sight. She could never imagine hurting Katsuku in her life, but blaming someone for every mistake she ever made was totally infallible let alone her own child her. That was something only a sociopath would do.

"Izuku Katsuku were going to the police station."

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