Bound by their hearts

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Hey really quick thought I thank Umbrebac you really help me keep my inspiration up also cj where you at?

Izuku's face drain of all color. The last time he went to the police he had been beaten to a pulp. Some girl had tried to grope him on the bus. She had brown hair and wore the same school uniform. He tried to scream but she put her hand over his mouth.

But what made it worse was that she had used her quirk to make him weightless. Making him in to a floating paper bag. All she had to do was slam him into the side of the bus and he was already almost out of it. It hurt like a bitch but he knew he had to scream.

A very loud "HELP" echoed through the bus and every thing seemed to stop. But then the unexpected happened she turned the story on him. "He tried to touch me I was just defending my self!He's just a quirkless pervert!" The young girl said with faked innocence. The entire bus turned toward him like a pack of angry wolfs. They called the police and tied him up no matter how much he tried to plea with them. Of corse they all took turns beating the shit out of him.The girl well she just disappeared into the crowd with a shit eating grin.

When he got picked up by the police they seemed nice enough, but when he got to the his holding cell that changed.
"Hey rookie close the and lock the door to the holding cell. It's time we show you what we do to quirkless assholes that think they get the right to even look at girls!" One guard said with a vicious smile.
"But sir what about the cameras?!" The smaller guard said.
"Cameras? Fucking cameras?! Were god here no cares about an inmate getting their ass kicked and even less for a quirkless nobody!" The guard said as he wiped out his baton.

Izuku had taken some hellish beat downs but that one left some nasty scars. Only after half of the day was he cleared of suspicion after they reviewed the cameras. Of corse they wondered why he was beat to hell, but the look those guards had made his mouth suddenly be glued shit.The girl on the video could not be "identified" so she got away scot free. Izuku was tired of always being treated like a liar and a cheat of corse the world hated so alas.

Then a much older wound reopened. He remembered begging any body people,police officers, other kids, even hero but nobody believed him. The abuse the constant pain he was always felt. The hatred everyone had toward him. Not again he was so tired of being treated like a monster and a freak.  You no what fuck the world!

"No I'm not going." Izuku said bluntly.
"What the FUCK do you MEAN your not going?!" Katsuku and Mitsuki shouted.
"It's not like there going to believe me. We don't have enough evidence. It will be just like last time." Izuku said in a much more sadder tone.
"De- Izuku what does that mean?" Katsuku soft voice asked.
"The police don't care bout some quirkless kid. Much less believe  one with one pice of evidence!" Izuku shouted back
"We do have more though you stupid deku YOU!" Katsuku said in an enraged voice.
"M-me?" Izuku questioned as he pointed at him self.
Katsuku node before saying " Yes you big dummy. Now come on."
Izuku just node no as his eyes weld up with tears "And why should I know nobody going to be there for me if I do! I'm just going to get tossed in to the foster system and forgotten about!"
Katsuku and Mistsuki both hugged him. "Don't say that shitty nerd we are." Katsuku said as she rubbed gentle circles in to his back.

Katsuku did not want to know why her precious Izuku dislike the police so much. But what she did want to know was how healthy he was. She had seen some of the scars he had from patching him up from the crazy brown head BITCH. But did she really want to now how much he had suffered?

Izuku was taken into the station for questioning. Some senior officers had some fucked up stuff in the streets of Musutafu, but Izuku was another thing. To see people with the those scars was something most people could not handle but on a child it was something most people should never see much less experience.

Katsuku was about to explode. She knew Izuku had it rough but those scares should be on no one especially not her Izuku. Small firecrackers erupted from her hands as her rage built. She need to cool down. She was never good with her anger, and seeing Izuku like this was not helping.

Mitsuki's calming voice brought Kastsuki back to reality "He will be ok sweet heart." Mitsuki said sweetly as she warp her arms around Katsuku.

Hours passed and Izuku emerged from within the integration room. His faces streaming with tears, and Katsuku was there waiting form him with open arms. Katsuku and Izuku enveloped in a loving hug. They both need this.
"You made it Izuku so please smile!" Katsuku said as she tried to give a comforting smile, but what came out was a crooked and janky.
"T-t-thank y-y-you Kacchan!" Izuku blubbered as he buried his face into her.

Katsuku just stood their in till his tears had dried. Izuku,Katsuku,and Mitsuki pilled in to the car a ride on their way back home. Inko Midoriya was pushed into the back seat of the police cruiser.

Mitsuki knew she had a tough ride ahead of her but she would be there for Izuku and Katsuku for the ride. After all that is what a mother's job is, and it was time Izuku learned that family some times is not only by blood, but by heart as well.

I don't mean to hurt youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora