Selfish acts

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Inko had heard a lot of things. But one thing she never expected to hear was someone reading her rights to her. She was pushed into a police cruiser with rough hand as the officer did want to hurt her. It took around forty five minutes to reach the station. Then she heard it why she was being arrested.

Inko knew there was no way out. To much evidence and to little precaution on her side. But she was not going down with out bring all those she could to hell with her. A quick call to her lawyer and to her husband was all she need.

Izuku woke up to his phone exploding. Notifications left and right all from numbers he did not know some he did though. But all asking the same question. "Are you a monster?" Some in hate filled ways others in gentle and caring. Why would his mother say these things? Sure he knew she hated him but this was to much. He was a " rapist, mother beater, drug addict, thief, and attempted murder." according to his mother.

Kastsuku was pissed how fucking dare those news outlets just slander her Izuku with no FUCKING evidence. What was worse they were getting it all from a "trusted source" BULLSHIT! But she knew Izuku need her. She calm her self.

It took a couple hours but Katsuku managed to soothe Izuku. After a bit he fell asleep in Katsuku lap. His green gentle tuffs of hair laying gentle. Katsuku played with his hair. It was always soothing for herself.

Around a month had passed. It had been rough of corse, but they made it through it. The interviews were rough but the reactions were rougher. Izuku was never good with talking to people and always managed to make ether people love him or absolutely hate him. Of corse people out side the court room holding up signs with his face did not help. Izuku walked into the court room and ready him self.

Inko had done all she could. She dragged Izuku to hell with her and her last act would drag many. She wrote a quick note and hand it to her lawyer. A slick little bastard that came at a high price that Inko did not have. He liked woman like Inko and Inko could not careless for him. But she did not need lawyer because she knew she could not win she just wanted to watch him suffer.

Inko pulled out long black shiny gun, and put it to her head and pulled the trigger. Her lawyer could not react fast enough nobody could. It seemed that Inko Midoriya's last act was in pure selfishness. Her note had dragged everyone down. Her lawyer, her husband, Izuku, and he own boyfriend. All out of spite all out and pity hatred.

Izuku had seen death just not others. He had came face to face with her and danced many times. He just did not expect to see his mother meet her end by her own hands. It was burned into his memory forever.

Sorry for the short chapter!

Sorry for the short chapter!

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