Chapter 1

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He couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face at the creaking sound of his window being pushed up. At one point, the noise might’ve terrified him, but being in a relationship with a werewolf changes things.

“I was hoping you’d come tonight,” He said, not bothering to move from his comfortable position on the bed. He patiently waited to feel her weight on the mattress beside him.

 “Why? You in the mood to get beat in some video games?” The sound of a male voice surprised Stiles so much that he leapt up, banging his head on his headboard and toppling out of bed. He groaned and looked hazily up into two bright blue eyes. “Dude you okay?” Liam outstretched his hand and Stiles gladly accepted it. Once he was on his feet he towered above the small freshman.

 “Dude what are you doing here?” He said glaring at the boy. “I thought you were my girlfriend.” He absently rubbed his hand over his now aching head.

“I-I couldn’t sleep and thought you might be up.” Stiles softened his gaze at the tone of vulnerability coming from Liam. The poor kid had been through a lot recently and was clearly still trying to come to grips with it all. Stiles knew all too well about being scared of monsters and the nightmares that came along with this life. Scott and Stiles had sworn to look out for Liam in any way possible. And if that meant late night video games then so be it.

 “Just don’t cry when I whoop your ass,” Stiles said giving him his best lopsided grin and punching him on the shoulder.

“As if” Liam rolled his eyes as they settled down on Stiles’ bed.


Three hours later Stiles was shouting for joy, so ecstatic that he almost fell off the bed again.

“Finally I won! Take that you little were-“ He trailed off as he looked down at Liam’s sleeping form. “Man” he threw down his controller, annoyed that his one win was taken away by the fact that his opponent hadn’t even been trying, hardly a fair fight.

“Man” he threw down his controller, annoyed that his one win was taken away by the fact that his opponent hadn’t even been trying, hardly a fair fight.

He got up and changed into his pajama pants and shut off his lights. After a little consideration, he shoved Liam to one side of the bed and climbed in next to him. The poor boy was so exhausted that he barely stirred.

Stiles figured that he should probably feel annoyed at the intrusion but in truth he felt the exact opposite. It was nice to feel needed. It could be hard being a human in a pack of supernatural beings, he felt so useless so often. Sure, the pack relied on him to be “the clever one”, but they took it for granted a lot. Stiles felt an insane amount of pressure to always have everything figured out. So it was nice to feel needed for just being Stiles. Liam didn’t need him to figure anything out or have everything together; he was satisfied with just hanging out. Stiles knew of course that he would have to get Liam to open up and talk to him about what he was experiencing, but for now it was enough just to keep him company and distract him from his worries.

By the time Stiles willed his hyperactive brain to slow down enough to let him sleep he only had 4 hours before he needed to be up for school.


Malia found them the next morning with Stiles’ arm wrapped protectively around Liam who lay snuggled at his side. She stood next to the bed for a few moments too long just enjoying the sight of her adorable asleep boyfriend.

Unfortunately, she knew they had to get to school so with a sigh she leaned down to wake Stiles up.

“Stiles,” she says gently, having learned fairly quickly that people did not like to be woken up harshly. She ran her hand through his silky bedhead and kissed his forehead. No response. She took his shoulder and shook it a bit. “Stiles, you need to wake up, it’s almost time for school.” She said it a bit louder this time. Stiles groaned softly and turned his head away from her. She took his head in both her hands and slowly turned it towards her. “C’mon Stiles, let me see those beautiful brown eyes of yours.” His eyes remained firmly shut, but Malia swore she saw his mouth twitch a bit. Deciding it was time to step up her game she said, “So is it considered cheating if you’re with another guy?” At this comment, Stiles’ eyes flew open and he sat straight up, dislodging Liam who groaned and sleepily opened his own eyes.

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