Chapter 7

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It was an off day where my first classes weren't until that afternoon which gave me time to go to the pool. I wasn't sure the aquatic building would be open early in the morning but when I got there I found it was unlocked. Our team had another meet towards the end of the week and I wanted to be at my best. I worked on my various strokes. Freestyle, Butterfly, Backstroke. It helped being in the water that allowed me to clear my head a bit and have better focus.

I dove down sitting under the water holding my breath listening to the ebb and flow of the pool. I could feel a sudden whoosh which made me open my eyes seeing someone else had dove into the pool and started swimming laps.

I rose back up shaking the water out of my hair seeing it was Coach Butler in another lane.


He looked up and said, "Ryan, I didn't expect to you see you here."

"I thought I would get in some practice, I'm sorry," I replied. "The doors were unlocked."

"No, that's perfectly alright," he said, raising his hand. "Great way to take initiative."


"You remind me a lot of myself."


"Yeah, I was a rookie once too," he said. "I've still got some time so I can give you a training session."

"Thanks a lot."

The coach stood on the sidelines watching me swim showing me how to perfect my techniques more.

"You are doing good!" he announced. "Keep it up!"

It was two hours later before we finished where I was feeling spent and exhausted holding onto the side of the pool.

"I think you've had enough for now," he said smiling, giving me a slap on the back.

I rose out of the pool drying off and said, "I know I am not exactly a fan of everyone on team."

"You mean Lindstrum?"


"Don't let the other guys intimidate you," he replied, shaking his head. "There isn't any doubt that he is a good swimmer but I have to think about the whole team and not just one person's bruised ego."

I entered the shower area in the locker room washing away the smell of chlorine on my body when I could see the coach washing up as well in front of one of the other heads. I froze for a moment seeing him completely naked that immediately made my heart start to race so much I could hear it in my ears.

I nonchalantly made my way turning on the faucet next to his soaping up like it wasn't a big deal.

"How are you liking U.S.C?"

"I have enjoyed my college experience so far."

Was this the right time to tell him I saw him at the gay club? I didn't know. I couldn't say so without also revealing myself.

I subtly glanced at him watching him wash his hard washboard six pack wanting curiously so much to rub his stomach and see how it felt. He gave me a sideways glance acting oblivious that I hadn't of notice.

I couldn't help but get hard as I continued soaping up that made him peer his eyes down at mine. We both turned our heads up looking at each other where I could sense something. The "knowing" look that all gay men possess when they are in the presence of someone else who is the same way even though my gaydar I knew wasn't the best.

He locked eyes with me reaching out to stroke my back with his out reached hand. He slid it up massaging my neck and shoulders. I looked back at him questioningly unsure of what to do.

I stepped closer reaching out to feel his abs rubbing them up and down feeling up to his pectorals watching his reaction. There was an immediate instant attraction between us letting the soap and water cascade on both us.

It was in that moment that it happened where at the same time I wrapped my arm around his neck he planted me against the wall leaning in for a kiss. I had an immediate head rush from my head to my feet. We both moved faster picking up speed kissing where I rubbed the back of his head stroking his beach blonde hair.

He pulled back looking at me again rubbing my penis back and forth lowering his eyes to which I gave a small nod. He slid down to his knees in front of me slowly licking my slit tasting whatever precum had leaked out and gently opened his mouth taking my head and ridge. It made me gasped as he continued to go down sliding his head up and down bobbing.

In my mind I couldn't believe what was happening feeling light headed. He picked up the pace pulling back out taking his hand to stroke me. Then just as it was in the basement the threshold came where I couldn't hold it back any longer.

He could tell that I was close that only made him stroke me faster and harder. Suddenly, I moaned and arched my back shooting a thick stream of cum onto the shower floor and on to him.

He stood back up rinsing off. "You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, feeling a little dazed.

"Does anyone know?"

"No, you?"


"Not even your wife?"

"Especially not her."

"I had no idea although I was there that night when you were at the club."

"Oh yeah," he said. "Sometimes I have to let off some steam."

I was still awe struck by what just happened finishing showering.

"I don't know where we go from here," I said, turning off the shower. "This is all new to me."

"It's okay," he said reassuringly, drying off. "Will take our time. You better hurry up. You don't want to miss the beginning of one of your classes."

After changing and exiting the building I stood for a moment taking in everything attempting to wrap my head around it all.

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