Chapter 11

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A few days had passed and nothing much had happened, family drama-wise at least. Sangmin and Jimin were well-behaved during dinner and had yet to start another argument. Jiyeon was constantly checking up on you and making sure you felt settled in. Eleanor was also consistently at your side, asking if you needed her to do anything for you. You've been trying to get her to open up more but ever since she took you out to the garden she's been acting strictly professional around you. You understand that she needs to do her job but the cold, dead eyes she always stares at you with are starting to make you feel lonely. If you could, you'd rather just spend every day with Jimin at this point.

Today Sangmin and Jiyeon needed to go out. According to her, it was about work and she said that she and Jimin's father would be late coming home.

"It pains me to miss having dinner with you two but duty calls," she had said to you and Jimin before her departure.

When she first revealed the work-related plans, you had worried that they'd be dragging Jimin along, too. However, it seemed that this work business only required those higher up in the "business", meaning Jimin wasn't needed.

"How many rooms does this place have exactly?" you asked your boyfriend as you two were strolling down the halls. If he had asked, you wouldn't be able to tell him where you two currently were.

"Honestly, I don't even know. Despite the fact that I lived here for the first eighteen years of my life, I only really stayed in certain areas of the house. I wouldn't be surprised if there were at least ten other rooms I've never been in," Jimin replied.

"Well, I know that there are three floors," you said. There was the first floor, the second, and you were sure that there was an attic based on the height of the house.

"Nope, four actually."

"Awesome, so I actually know nothing about this house," you deadpanned.

Jimin chuckled and bumped his shoulder with yours. "I wasn't expecting you to know. There's a basement, which isn't exactly easy to find if you don't know your way around the house."

"What's down there?"

Jimin hummed thoughtfully and held onto one of your hands, swinging your arms as you two continued walking. "Uh, I guess you could call it a dungeon? There are a bunch of cells down there and stuff. Mom and dad have mostly used them to cage any dirt-bloods they find to deal with later. I know they've also kept humans who have gotten on their bad side. Then again, I haven't been down there since I was living here. For all I know, they might've completely remodeled it."

"I suppose you aren't really interested in how your parents pass time," you stated factually.

"Not really. I could show you it, though. I mean, we don't have to go down but I can take you to the stairs that lead to the basement." Jimin squeezed your hand slightly and his expression grew hard. "I'm not trying to say that anything bad will happen while we're here, but there have been times in the past where people have tried to break in and attack us. Whether they be dirt-bloods or humans just looking to hunt us, it's never safe. Mom and dad have always had everyone in the house evacuate to the basement while they deal with it since there's a lot of space down there."

"Does it happen often?" you asked, nervously nibbling on your lip.

"No, it hasn't happened in many years," Jimin reassured with a smile. "But depending on how this visit goes, my parents might end up asking you to return someday. And if something like those attacks were to happen and I wasn't nearby to help lead you downstairs, I want you to feel comfortable getting to the basement on your own."

"Okay, show me where I need to go."

Jimin leads you through the hallway you two were currently walking in and eventually to the front doors of the house. You were a bit confused since you hadn't noticed stairs nearby all the times you've passed this area. Was there a hidden door that needed to be activated?

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