Chapter 3 - The Wall

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Drake:"I still want to know how she does that!" Simon:"Yeah, I have no idea." ???:"Welcome to the second trial." Simon:"Where did May go and who are you?" ???:"I am Litho, and May went back. Are you ready for your trial?" Drake:"Yeah but aren't you going to tell us what the trial is?"
Litho:"In front of you there is a wall built with five layers of materials, each stronger than the last. You must get through each before you suffocate, ready? Go." Simon:"Wait what‽"

They looked around, they were in a room  very slowly closing in with three walls of some very hard material and one of sand.

Drake:"Oh no." Simon:"Dude it's sand, easy." Drake:"Oh yeah!" Drake jumps through the sand wall. Drake:"C'mon, it's... surprisingly easy." Simon jumps through the sand wall. Drake:"Oh, this one's going to be harder than the other one." The next wall was made of dirt. Simon:"We have to dig now, and there's five of these! Noooooo!!!!" They dug using there feet and fingers an finished in around five minutes.

By this point the first wall closing in had broken through the sand. The next wall was made of some hard vine material. They cut through that easier than it was to crash the ice cream truck. Fourth was wood. Drake:"Should we just like peel it away slowly and get a million splinters?" Simon:"I guess so, I mean splinters is better than death." Drake:"Good point, Good point." Drake:"In that case let's start."

They did exactly what they said, peel it away slowly and get a million splinters. It was a lot of splinters. Next was the fifth and final layer, Stone. Oddly there was two sharp rocks on the floor broken out of the wall, unlike the other walls that didn't have that at all.

Together:"What‽‽‽ How are we supposed to do this‽" Simon:" I think... I have an idea." Drake:"What is it‽" Simon:"we can make some sort of pickaxe with the stones, wood, and vines." Drake:"Oh." They then proceeded to make the pickaxes. They got to digging.

Half an hour passed and they were almost to the end. But so was the wall. Simon:"Ahhh!" Drake:"Wait. I got something." He sat down and cleared his mind. A minute later he stood up and thought. The wall kept moving but then it stopped. Drake:"Oh my Olabus, I did it!" Simon's jaw dropped. Simon:"Whoa. Let's get out of here."

They finished and on the other side of the wall Litho was waiting for them. Litho:"Good job, are you ready for your third trial? Together:"Heck yeah!!!" *Snaps*

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