Chapter 4 - Flaming Feet

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*Snaps* Drake:"Let me guess, bla bla bla, are you ready for trial 3. Yeah, what's new? ???:"Yes, that is exactly what I was about to say. Simon:"Ok, who are you and what trial is this? ???:"I am Marcus and this is..." *Pshhhh* Fire comes out of the ground. Drake:"Okay, so it's fire." They are in a room similar to the others. Simon:"Whoa!!! Where are my shoes!?" Marcus:"Guess." Drake:"No. We have to walk on the fire."

The room was a mile long and they could barely see the end. Simon:"Do we just run then?" Drake:"I guess so. This is going to hurt, a lot." They started to run and the fire starting burning into their feet. 5 minutes of running and they saw the end, but there was something before it. It was some sort of demon looking thing and it started to fly towards them. There was multiple bones on the ground, human bones. But there was also weapons from time frames hundreds of years apart, and some haven't been invented. Simon:"Grab a weapon!" Drake:"You think!" Drake grabbed a stick with some weird green liquid on it. Simon found some weird shaped small metal bar with a button on it. He pressed the button and there was an electric force around it. It flew at Simon and he shoved it into the demon. It fell to the ground, badly hurt but still alive. It got back up and Drake jumped at it and hit it in the head with his stick. The demon's head disintegrated instantly. Drake:"Coool, I call it the repellent stick." Simon:"Nice." They hadn't noticed how much their feet burned right then.

When they got to the end of the trial Marcus was waiting for them. Marcus:"Are you ready for the final trial?" This will be the the hardest yet." Together:"Yup!" Marcus:"Here are your shoes." *Snaps*

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