Chapter Five: Impression

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Chapter Five: Impression

My head was throbbing. My brain felt like it was jumping on a trampoline, and my jaw ached from having it clenched all night long. I wanted to give Tony a major fuck you for the migraine that's come over me as if it was his fault and not my own. Part of me knew that it was a terrible idea but I couldn't help chase the chaos. I couldn't help that Tony was thrilling to hang around because he understood the temptations of doing bad things.

I was awake, but I refused to open my eyes. I didn't even know how I got home last night. My arm was extended out and off the living room couch and my hand wrapped around a bottle of I believed to be alcohol. Where in the hell did I even get this from? Everything was such a blur but I had suspicions that one of us had a bright idea to steal from the bar.

Fuck me and this fuckery of a hangover.

I heard keys clinking together and an unfamiliar female voice mumble under her breath outside the door. I instantly grew annoyed by the unfamiliar sounds but I was on high alert. Still though, I lied in my same position, in too much pain to get up and too tired to even move.

She opened and closed the door behind her and I heard a small gasp come out of her mouth, along with a small shuffle in her feet. Who the fuck was that?

Then, silence.

"Stop staring at me..." I muttered, annoyed by the change of energy in the room. Annoyed by the stranger who made an unwelcome appearance. Annoyed that I was awake.

She didn't say anything though, but instead remained quiet and in the same position she'd been in since she officially let herself in my house.

The girl still stood there, doing absolutely nothing. Perhaps her feet were glued there and she was stuck. Unable to move or even make a noise. Or perhaps she was standing over me with a gun in her hand, contemplating sparing my life. I wouldn't be surprised over the gun, but more so because a man made a woman do his dirty work for him, whereas I'd like to see his face in person.

It felt like she had been standing there for an eternity.

I already knew what I'm in for.

As I was about to tell the stranger off once more, Lacey's voice boomed through the large spacious house. "Hey!" Roared from the other side of the room along with quick pitter-patter. "How are you doing?!"

The stranger cleared her throat quietly. Perhaps she was a mute, or someone cut her tongue out in the past, and that's the reason she wasn't talking. Maybe she was deaf and signing to Lacey. That'd fucking suck.

Did Lacey even know sign language? I always thought she was a little too... dense for something as detailed.

"What?" Lace asked, oblivious. "Oh! Oh for fu-" She exclaimed, then muttered "Eli..." Under her breath. "Uh... Wow, okay. Um..." She rambled on. This was nothing short of classic for her. "I don't even know..." She continued with a voice filled of confusion.

A small chuckle under the strangers breath responded, likely unsure how to console her friend.

"Thank you for the coffee, I'm going to need it," Lacey continued.

If anyone were really close to her like I once was, they'd know that behind her strong voice laid panic and uncertainty.
"Of course," her soft voice finally announced. Hm, a pretty sound but she still annoyed me. Interesting.

I moved my arms and rested them over my face in a criss cross motion, attempting to block out the noise and light.

It was at this point where I would love to say something completely insensitive but I felt like I wasn't particularly in the best position. Seeing as I couldn't even hear properly because my head was making a pounding, throbbing affect on my brain. I was probably the reasoning that Lacey was freaking out, it may be best that I didn't poke the bear, even though in my usual state, I absolutely would.

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