Chapter Thirty-Seven: Reunited

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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Reunited

I didn't know what it was about a heroic move that turned on a woman so intensely. Ever since I almost pummeled her father through the wall and fucked her in the airplane bathroom, she's been euphoric. That's all I ever want her to be in life, is happy.

    Watching her from across the room with my hands clasped together while my chin rested on top, I couldn't help but admire her. I didn't understand her completely and it astonished me. I should have been kicked to the curb, thrown out, discarded; But I wasn't.

    She was scattered into millions of parts and everyday, she gave me a new piece to her puzzle. It was a surprise and I looked forward to learning something new about her daily.

    She brought the bowl sized mug to her lips and sipped on her coffee while staring at her computer screen with an intent look on her face. I wanted to go over to her and demand her attention but I didn't want to ruin her focus.

    The waiter in the coffee shop casually asked her if she wanted another coffee which she nodded gracefully while maintaining eye contact with her screen. Her lip sat in between her teeth while she stuck her pencil behind her ear and typed along the keys momentarily. She was so focused on her task that she hadn't noticed I've arrived yet, almost thirty minutes ago.

    I eyed the waiter making her new brew of coffee and internally congratulated him. He didn't fuck up her order. I would have snuck over to across the coffee shop but she was so focused on her task that she wouldn't even notice if I was standing right in front of her.

    Without asking, I took the mug out of the boy's hand and he didn't even hesitate to restrict my unwelcome hands. He showed off his confusion, but was more cowardly than anything. I provided him with a crinkled five dollar bill that was in my back pocket and walked away without a word.

    She sat at a grey leather chair with large arm rests and plenty of comfort while her laptop sprawled on top of a round table along with a variety of pencils that I couldn't ever be bothered to learn what each one meant. I sat down across from her on the extra seat and practically sunk into the leather, satisfying my body with relaxation.

    I cleared my throat. "Hello, miss?" I asked politely. "I couldn't help but notice you from across the room," I used charm.

    She finally looked up with a startled expression and a scrunch to her eyebrows. Her fingers were still on the keys of her computer while she bored her big eyes into mine.

    "You're gorgeous by the way, has anyone ever told you that?" I flashed an appealing smile.

    She flirted a smile and pointed her nimble finger towards the cup I was holding. "Is that mine?"

    Carefully, I set it down on the table away from the various papers she had sprawled along the top. "Someone like you shouldn't have to drop a dime on herself," I said. "Do you come here often?"

    "I come here when I'm looking for some inspiration," She took the mug from the table and inspected the coffee before dipping in for a drink.

    "You look like you might have found some," I picked up a piece of paper with various grey markings on them. Her body tensed when I inspected the paper which caused me to smirk. "You're quite modest," I observed. "You're an artist?"

    A light blush fell on her cheeks as she slowly took the paper out of my hands. "These are the rough stages of what I'm working on."

    I eyed her shy expression and reassured a smile. "I'm convinced enough. I'd be interested in seeing your finalized work. Perhaps in a gallery."

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