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Autumn is a sad time. Considering that Indian summer never arrived this year, a series of gloomy and rainy days immediately dragged on from the very end of August. Because of the clouds always hanging overhead, it was getting dark quickly and twilight, barely have a time to begin, turned into night. While one of those rapidly darkening evenings, the girl was driving a car. The road ran along the edge of the forest, and there were almost no other cars. The day was long and tiring, so the want to get home was unbearable. It started raining again, girl turned on the wipers, which only helped a little, smearing out the already dried up dirt on the glass.

After a few minutes it was completely dark. In the light of headlights, drops falling from the sky flickered like precious stones. However, this didn't improve visibility much, therefore, having reduced the speed (IY/ N), she carefully tried to get to the destination. Suddenly, a dark silhouette flickered in a scattering of raindrops and something crashed into the bumper of the car. The young lady pressed the brake with a fright and the car stopped right there.

There wasn't any even the slightest of desires to get out in the rain, but it was still necessary to check what happened, and who decided to jump out onto the road at such an inopportune moment. Grabbing a long scarf, sometimes serving as a cover from the rain, she jumped out of a warm cabin. Imagine her surprise when a dark blurry silhouette turned out to be a large hare at that very moment shaking its head. Hearing the door slam, he turned to the human and tried to bounce. But, apparently, the impact of the hit injured his paw, so his plan didn't work out. Seeing such a sad state of the animal, the conscience pricked the girl. Well, not exactly pricked. More like punched all the air out of her with all her strength, so without thinking twice, having thrown off her scarf, the girl grabbed and swaddled the victim with one movement. Only a muzzle and long standing ears protruded from the improvised bag.

He clearly haven't liked such treatment, so he tried to kick through the fabric, but, despite all the protests, he was gently laid on the passenger seat. With trembling fingers, (Y/N) typed "vet" in the search line of Maps and rushed to the nearest one on the full power of engine. Bad weather no longer bothered her, she only hoped that the hare was all right, and he wouldn't give up his breath right here. Nerves were pulled up to the maximum, so barely having time to park near a small well-kept building and grabbing a scarf with a beast, she instantly ran to the door.

A frightened nurse jumped up from her seat at the sight of a panting and obviously scared girl. Having briefly described to the lady what had happened, she plopped down on a chair next to her without any strength. Nurse after assuring (Y/N) that everything would be fine, took the bag along with the patient for examination. About twenty minutes later, an elderly man entered the waiting room. Again, assuring the young lady that everything would be fine and there was nothing to worry about, he said with a smile that the hare had only a slightly twisted paw and no more damage. Then the smile became a little guilty and the second news was less joyful. All the same, he will need to be taken care of but there's no opportunity to leave him in the clinic, so the causer of the "accident" will have to care for the animal.

"But ... but ... I absolutely don't know how to take care of rabbits," hoping that this excuse would work, she tried to abandon the unexpectedly fallen "happiness". - "And also I have absolutely unsuitable conditions for this."

"Don't worry," the gray-haired doctor assured her. - "Our clinic will provide you with everything you need, and more these rodents aren't at all choosy, like pets.

Mentally facepalming and rolling her eyes, (Y / N) tiredly agreed and paid for the examination. The victim was put into a carrier, which was put in the back seat, and a kind nurse helped with carrying necessary things into the trunk. Saying goodbye to everyone and sitting behind the wheel, the girl tiredly buried her forehead in the steering wheel. Dreams of a light dinner, a relaxing bath, and a soft fluffy bed waved the hands over the horizon and flew away. But before she could say goodbye to them and mourn their loss, an annoying knock came from the back seat. Without looking, she grabbed the soiled scarf and she sent it with an accurate throw onto the cage. The wet cloth flopped heavily on the plastic cover, causing the culprit of all these misadventures to hide into the far corner of the cage. Having taken a deep breath, the young lady came to the conclusion that there's no way to fix what was done and, turning on calm relaxing music, started the car.

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