Chapter 4

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The next day_

Nine pov

Poor my husband. Serve him right. He thought I won't be harsh with him just because I look tiny?

I watch him mopping the floor with soap water at the living room, looking miserable with tired face. Haha, it kind of fun to bully someone especially that someone is your husband.(don't follow this action lol).

I leaned at the door's frame as he exchange look with mine. I just hug myself and keep ordering him around today. Actually it worry me to see he mentally stress and restless because me keep nagging him to doing everything today but you know me, I wont give in that easy. I want to see if he can handle me that much. Or should I say, 'I want to see how big is his love(haha)'

What surprised me more, he didn't talk much today. He must be so upset but he kept it in. He easy to read even though he try hard not to suppress it. Sorry mother in law, I upset your precious son today.(>o<)

He managed to finish all the house works though. I thinking to give him reward later, kekeke.

I done preparing the lunch and call out his name come to the kitchen immediately. He tripped at the slippery floor as he rush over here. I almost let out a big laugh but then remembered that I still mad at him.

Today's lunch way too much quite. I like quite but when Joong not talking at all, it bothered me. I put foods in his plate, pour him a glass of juice and continue to eat mine. I hope this little action will ease whatever he felt in side.

Yup, indeed. He already start his flirty attitude.

"Is that a sign that you not mad at me anymore, darling~?"

That my Joong.

"Nope I'm still mad at you. Eat your lunch or else you wont have dinner tonight"


It ease me a bit when I saw his tiny smile. Why my husband so cute?(*melting inside)

"Last work for today, clean this all up", I said as I pointed my index finger at the dining table.

"Krub sir!"

He put all the plates in the sink and began to soap them. I just sit at the table watching him from behind, which actually admiring his figure.

As he done, I wrap my arms around him from behind. He chuckled and turn his body to face me.

"So that all just a tease?"

I pretend to think by putting my finger on my lip and looking around. I got a pinch at the nose afterward. I frown and he peck me at the nose. Aish~ who husband is this man? Too much sweet.

"Er. Serve you right. You upset me that night. Never in my life, I've been so sad like that night. It all your fault!",I said and pinch his cheek.

"What? It because you kick me from sleeping at the room"

"No, I did not"

"Ok,ok. You did not kick me but you threw too much tantrum just because I forgot to buy you salty duck eggs. I was tired from work so that why I lost my temper to you that night. It really my fault anyway. Im sorry baby "

Joong kiss my right eye and his eyes drop, looking sad. I thought it cute to the point i actually imagined a pair of dropping puppy's ears on his.

"Emm. Maybe that night my mood swing way too much that my head can't think right. That my fault anyway not you but still..."

I kiss my teeth and stare to his eyes.

"We both did wrong. I should not shout at you that night. Of course your mood always swing since you pregnant"

"Yeah...Sometime I forgot that I pregnant"

"(laughing)What the...I never heard someone who pregnant will forget themselves pregnant. My wife senile like old grandpa haha"

"Oh, you mocking me?"

"Im not sweety. Don't mad na~"

"At this rate, I should pretend play hard to get till next month"

"Aw, that too much cruel darling~"

Joong hug me tight and pecked all over my face. I put my palm on his head and push his face away because he been kissing me nonstop.

"Hoy,Joong. Let me go. Stop already"

"Nope. I didn't get any kisses this 2 days. I miss you, you know"

"What? We living under the same roof for god sake"

"But still missing you hehe"

The weather was hot but after the make up, Joong keep on sticking to me. It annoyed me but I let it be because It tiring to argue with him more. Ugh, I should do it in night for the next time so i wont get to be hug in the hot weather.

_How the chapter? Sorry if it boring. Thank you for supporting my 'aint that good ff'. I love you guys so much! Keep on reading ok na?(kiss kiss kiss)(^.^)_

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