Chapter 6

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7 months

Joong walk in fast speed as possible as he can. The factory department employees need him to send over the very latest list of the products that needed to deliver by tomorrow.

The problem is Joong's workplace is 2 or 3 kilometers away far from the factory and they want Joong to hand the files immediately. How Joong wish he had a pair of wings to fly down stair.

After tiring day, finally the close hour came. Joong sat on the chair with his head leaning at the headrest and both of his arms lazily hang on the holder. He been walking since the open hour until the close hour. Sound like a made-up excuses but it really was.

"Nong Joong? Why are you here?Are you still have more work left to do?"

"Oh P'Krist. No,it just I want to rest a bit before I pack"

"*chuckleThis situation of yours remind me how I was when I just a trainee here"

Joong sit properly and look at Krist in curiosity.

"How you was P'Krist?" (if u dunno Sotus, i smack u!)

"Well, I was used by one of senior worker here a long time ago but then he got fired as people find out that he did bad thing toward me. I don't want to talk what ut was about. I also have to walk here and there to send this and that. Some of them ordered me to buy coffee or food even though they had their own feet and hands. Hmph."

" Oh...Poor P'Krist"

"Nahhh. That was like 3 or 4 years ago. The experienced make me more knowledgeable and mature anyway. Plus the seniors workers that bullied me were fired lol. Hahahaha"

Joong pack his stuff and stand straight to straighten his wrinkled shirt.

"P'Krist, let walk together"

"Actually we should be because this building look so scary when there are no people around"

"Are telling me that you scare of the ghost P?"

"Huh. Why should I scare of non-exist creature? If there is, it you"

Joong only laughed it off and shook his head.

As they reach at the porch of the building, a man in blue shirt walking toward them. Joong only silent when he witnessed the exchange pecks between the man in blue and P'Krist.

"Err Nong Joong. This is my husband, Singto"

Singto gave Joong a handshake before smile widely.

"I thought you not marry yet P?"

"Hmm...maybe because I look cute ?"

Joong nodded his head.

"Oi...did you really make yourself believe with the absurd joke?"

"Yup. I think that you actually look so old "

Joong and Singto look each other and  laugh as they seeing the frown looking Krist.

"How dare you Nong...and you! Are you at Nong side too? I wonder how long our couch in the house being lonely cause had no one sleep on it in the night...hmm"

"Er,er I stop honey. Please do not let me suffer on the couch tonight. I need cuddle to sleep"

"I never said it was you that will sleep on the couch. Are you wishing for it mister?"

"Of course not honey. Ok ok I stop" ,Singto chuckled and pinch Krist's cheek. P'Krist push Singto's hand so he can stop pinching him.

Joong felt ticklish inside when he remembered himself have been sleep on the couch for many nights because of one small fight. He already miss his angry kitty.

"P, how long both of you have been together?"

Krist think so hard while Singto shut himself and let his wife answer the question.

"Since I was a first year. I remembered that Singto is the head hazer. been 7 years?"

"That long! Congrats!"

"What are you congrats about? It not even our anniversary yet!"

"Not yet? Then, don't forgot to invite me at your anniversary P"

"Why should I? I celebrated only with my husband. Why I need you to attend on my important date?"

"Ooo. P'Krist want privacy so he can seduce his husband on special date huh? What will you do? Tie yourself with ribbons?"

"What the? Aish...You little shit"

Joong and Singto laugh as they saw Krist face turn red as tomato.

"Er P'Krist, P'Singto... Im going now. I bet my wife already worried there"

"Huh such a baby. Why your wife need to worry with a giant like you? You even taller than me even though we have a very big gap of ages"

"Size doesn't matter P. How you express your love to beloved one is the most matter. Take P'Singto as example P"

"Hmm...such a cheesy line. Where did you learn that?"

"My brother hahaha. Well, Im going now.Bye"

Singto and Krist wave Joong a goodbye and heading to their car.

_Hey! I wonder if u guys know what the month above about. Actually that Nine's labor countdown (countdown lol) no Nine's pregnant counts. Fuck that, I don't know how it called in English 😂 but my readers are smart right so u guys knew.I can sense there were #SingtoKrist shipper here even in my own room (which actually ME LMAO). That vibe of excitement as the Peraya couple come out, I can feel that! (lol). You all must already knew who Joong's brother here so I don't need to explain lol. Lastly, Love u all!_

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