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“Alex? Alex? Alex?!”

Alex jolted awake to the sound of her sister, Erika, shouting his name.

He looked at her with a blurred vision and rubbed his eyes.
“What is it?” he sleepily asked.

“Mom asked you to buy some milk from the convenience store.” she said as she crossed her arms.

“What? Why wont you do it?”

“Pft. C'mon, Alex. Pleaseeee. Just this once!” she begged him.

Since he was already awake, and since he had nothing else to do anyways, he agreed.

“But you owe me one, okay?”

Alex changed clothes and took out his bike from the garage.
He rode it, and started pedalling.

It was 6 in the morning, and it was as if the whole neighborhood was still asleep.
He passed some houses with people taking out the trash, getting ready for their jobs, and he even saw some people jogging by the sidewalk.

Alex and his family just moved here so he doesn't have that much friends. And it's not like he even had friends in his last neighborhood to begin with.

Alex always saw himself as an awkward and weird kid. He felt like he was an odd-one-out and he doesn't fit in. He never started conversation's.. Or even had them at least. So he's always alone and has no one to talk to all the time. His sister has her own friends and his mom goes to work, so he's mostly all by himself.

They moved houses because his parents got divorced. His father has another family, so his mother took them both and left. She promised them that she'll give them a good life and a bright future. But she's been overworking herself just to have some money so they could have three meals a day.

This is just apart of his sad and boring life.

And with these occurrences, he started to feel depressed.
Besides the fact that his family is broken, is that fact about himself that he isn't the best at making friends at school. He tried making some on his last school, but they just thought of him as weird and left him.

And he got scared. That what if he makes friends and they leave him again? He dosnt want to experience that again, so he never made any.

So he always talked to himself when he was alone. He started to think he was crazy, but he didn't mind.

Alex pulled the breaks and got off his bike when he passed the store.
He entered and felt the cold temperature on his skin.

He immediately grabbed a carton of milk, and when he was about to go to the counter, he saw a shelf with books and rushed to see them.
Besides the fact that Alex is a bookworm, he also has a sweet tooth.  His sister is surprised that his vision hasn't blurred yet because of all his reading, and that all his teeth are still there.

As he was reading the back of a book he got interested in, someone bumped him and he fell to the ground.
It was a chubby guy and he laughed at him. He looked like he was the same age as Alex was.

“Watch where you're going, you weirdo!” he said as he walked past Alex.

Alex stood up and cleaned himself. This is also one of the reasons why he's afraid of people. Because he doesn't know how to defend himself and he would always lose to these kind of things.

When he finally paid for the milk, he got on his bike and left.


When he got home, he put the milk in the fridge and locked himself in his room.
He just took out the book he was currently reading and started to read.

After a few hours, someone called out to him from outside.
It was his mom.

He went outside of his room, and he saw his mom with a smile on her face.

“I have something for you.” she said as she placed an envelope on the table.

Alex took it and read that his mom enrolled him to some school called South Sakura Academy.
That was just a few blocks away from his house.

“Aren't you excited?” his mom joyfully asked.

No. No he wasn't. He was scared and his anxiety started to kick in. But he managed to smile at her and thank her.

Great. Now he has to enter another school and meet more new people, which probably isn't gonna happen because he isn't going to talk to anyone. Not even to his seatmate.

When his mom saw his smile, her smile grew even wider and she kissed his cheek.
“Thanks, mom.”

Their mother has always been supportive to them. And she does her best to give them what they need, and Alex promised her once, that when he graduates, he's going to start a business so she won't have to work anymore.

And he's still keeping that promise until now.

When he was 6, he loved to dream and see the world in his own point of view.
But as he grew older, he started to become aware of what kind of world he lives in.
He realized how cruel, traitorous, and how evil the world was.

Now that he's 13, he started to feel other kinds of feelings he never felt as a kid. He became more mature and responsible.

His mom had already bought his uniform and everything he needs for school, and he will begin next week.

He was nervous and each night he keeps on thinking about the possibilities that will happen to him while he was in the school.

His sister was a loud sleeper since they sleep on the same room on a double-deck bed and he was the one on the top.

Alex covered his ears with his pillow and just thought.. What if he did make friends?

He thought about the amazing things that will come to his life when he does make friends. He'll have someone to talk to, someone to be with when he's alone, and someone he could trust.

He kept on thinking and thinking until he fell asleep.


The next few days was like any other day of his life.
It was all boring and he just stayed in home reading or advance reading so he could be ready when school comes.

His sister teases him that what if he gets a girlfriend, or what if he gets in alot of trouble.

But none of that will happen because Alex isn't like that.
And she knows that.

Alex never even got out of the house unless he has to, he doesn't talk unless he needs to, he doesn't do anything.

To him, life is pretty boring.
And we can all agree on that.

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