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It was a good Sunday morning for Alex.

He felt like waking up early in the morning, and so he did.

He made himself some breakfast and sat on the couch and watched some good anime that was airing.

Alex, who you may have seen is quiet, is an actual Italy and he doesn't miss a day without watching even one episode of his favorite anime.

His mom was at work and his sister was still asleep.

After Alex ate breakfast, he took a bath.

And after that, he went out and took a stroll.

It's very rare of him to these kinds of things, but he was in the mood and the air outside was warm. And plus, they were already out of milk and Alex thought of cooking for his sister.

He walked around and saw the sunset whose rays were shining on top of the houses.

Alex put his hands in his pockets.
He passed some sakura trees on his way to the convenience store.

Sakura trees around Japan sure are beautiful, and there's alot of them to be seen in the country.

He suddenly remembered what happened yesterday at the park.

Was that really Agatha he saw?

He was sure of it.
The same hair color, height, skin tone, and she even had that signature hairstyle of hers with the red string.

Alex just kept on thinking if that was really her until he hit a pole.


He rubbed his nose and continued to walk.

As you may have noticed, Alex is also clumsy. Specially when he wanders off thinking of something.

Alex entered the store and bought what he needed to buy.

... Not after getting some chocolate for him and his sister of course.

When he left and was on his way back, he suddenly heard something.

It was a soft cry.

When he looked around, no one else was there but a small box on the side of the road.

Alex opened it and saw..

.. A small white cat.

It meowed at him and his eyes widened.

What was this cat doing here? All alone? And the box didn't even have any holes in it so that the cat could breath!

Alex carried it and it meowed at him again.

“You must be so scared..”

Alex's conscience couldn't bare to see a small innocent cat living alone in the streets with no food, so..


“Oh. My. GOSH!! ITS SO ADORABLE!!” his sister exclaimed.

Erika carried the small cat and kept on petting it, and every time it purred, it was as if she could die any second.

“I found it on the streets all alone, so I took it in.”

Erika raised an eyebrow at him and smiled.
“You? Going out on your own? Well, that's new.”

Erika put the cat on her lap.
“And that's so kind of you to take it in,  Alex. Y'know, ever since you met those friends of yours you've been socializing alot too. I'm happy for you.”

Alex smiled at her.

“So, what are you gonna name it?”

Alex looked at her.

“Well, duh. You found it, you name it. It's your responsibility.”

Alex thought and thought.


Erika raised an eyebrow at her.
“Leyna? Why Leyna?”

Alex shrugged.
“I don't know. I read that from a book and the name Leyna means 'truth'. ”

Erika nodded.
“Well then, 'Leyna', you'll be staying with me and Alex for now!” she said as she pet the cat.

Leyna meowed happily and Erika was taken aback.
She was totally unprepared.
And it was so adorable she could die.

Alex fed Leyna.

But before Alex could even sit back down, she climbed back up and sat on his lap.

“Awwwwww... She likes you, Alex!”

Alex looked at Leyna and looked at her tray of food.
This cat ate fast.

The food in the tray was already empty, that's why she was sleeping soundly on his lap.

Alex placed his hand on Leyna's head and stroke it's fur.

Just then, Alex heard a clicking noise.

Alex looked at Erika and he saw that she was snapping photos.

“H-hey! What are you d-doing?!” he exclaimed.

He couldn't stand up since Leyna was on his lap and he didn't want to disturb the cat.

“I'm showing these to my classmates! Do you even know how cute they think you are? What more when you're with something that is also adorable! They might even pay me just to see these pictures!” she laughed.

Alex's eyebrows crossed.

“Oh, by the way, I bought you some chocolate.”

Erika reacted all of a sudden.
She immediately stood up and sat beside him.
“Really?! Awwwww, that's so sweet of you little bro!”

She hugged him and kissed his forehead.
“Okay, okay..”

But she only does this whenever Alex gives her something for free or does something for her.

Alex pointed at the plastic bag on the table and Erika immediately opened it.

She took out the chocolate bar and put it in the fridge.
Alex shook his head.

“I also cooked you breakfast.” he said as he continued to pat Leyna.

“Really?! Awwwww.. You're the best! I love you so much!!”

Alex sighed.
'Yeah, right. Haha.' he thought.

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