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It was finally Friday.

When Alex entered their classroom, he heard whines and laughter.

Ashley, Jordan, and Tristan were talking to each other.
Jordan and Tristan were laughing while Ashley pouted and stomped her foot on the floor.

As soon as she saw Alex, she ran towards him.

“Alex! Where have you been?! These two have been bullying me all morning.”

Tristan walked towards them.
“We just only said that you're short.”

Ashley stomped her foot again.
“I'm not short! You're.. You're.. You're just tall, okay?!”

Alex scratched the back of his head and Jordan put his hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, stop it you guys. It's too early to give Alex some stress, so save it for later.”

The three of them gathered around Alex's desk and they all chatted for a while until homeroom started.


The four of them were just about to go to the back of the school since it was their free time, until they came across Josh and his crew.

When Josh saw them, he smirked and spread out his hands.
“Well, well! If it isn't the four weirdo's!” he shouted.

Ashley rolled her eyes.
“What do you want from us this time, Josh?”

“Get out of my way, four eyes. I want a little word with Oakley over here.”

Jordan stood in front of Alex.
“You're going to have to go through me first, fatso.”

Josh clenched his fist.
“What did you call me, punk?!”

All the other students that surrounded the hallway looked at them.

Alex started to sweat.
Tristan stopped Ashley while Jordan and Josh stared at each other.

Alex stood in between them and separated them both.
“Guys, that's enough.”

“Tch. Out of my way, loser!”
Josh pushed Alex out of the way.
Alex lost his balance and fell hard on the floor, head first.

Tristan and Ashley went towards Alex and tried to help him.

But Alex felt as if the whole world was spinning. He couldn't hear his friends and just heard nothing but static. His vision blurred and his head hurt like hell.

Alex tried hard to breath, but it was as if his nose was being covered.
Alex started to weaken and the last thing he saw was his friends helping him up.

When Alex woke up, he was in the infirmary.

He tried to sit up, but his head ached so he just stood still.

Alex sighed. He just patiently waited for someone to check on him and was starting to get sleepy.

His eyelids were about to close, when the door burst open.

“Alex! Oh my god, what happened to you?!”

It was his sister Erika, along with his other friends.

She helped him sit up and looked at him.

“Are you okay? Can you see me properly? Does your head hurt that much? Can you still speak?”

“Woah, Woah. Sis, I'm.. Alright.” he assured her.

Despite that fact that Erika is a girl who does nothing but trouble, she still cares alot.
Specially when it comes to her younger brother.

Ashley, Jordan, and Tristan sat beside him.

“If Tristan didn't stop me, I could've blew a punch on that fatso.” Jordan angrily said.

“Tch. Can we not talk about that? The only thing that's important, is that Alex is okay.”

Tristan pat Alex's back.
“You sure you're okay, bro?”

Alex nodded.

“You wanna go home?” his sister asked.

Alex was about to say yes, when he remembered something.
He promised her that he was going to spend some time with her after dismissals.

“No. I'm fine, sis.”

“Are you sure? You know that I'm going to tell mom about this.”

Alex nodded at her and she sighed.

She doesn't have a choice since this is Alex's decision, and she has to respect her brother's decision.

When Erika left, Ashley, Tristan, and Jordan guided Alex to their classroom.

“Josh was sent to the principal's office. If he doesn't get suspended because of this, I'm going to have to complain to the principa–”

Before Jordan could even finish, Ashley covered his mouth.

Tristan sighed.
“You sure you're okay bro?”

Alex touched his forehead.
“Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.”


Alex was not fine.

His head hurt like hell and everytime he walked, he felt like he could faint any time.

After dismissal, he tried his best to walk to the back of the school.

When he reached the lake, he flopped on the grass and just closed his eyes.

When he opened them, he saw Agatha who sat in front of him.

“You okay?” she asked.

Alex sat up.
“Yeah. Just got in a little accident.”

Agatha's eyes widened.
“Accident? What accident? Are you okay? Did something bad happen to you?”

Alex was taken aback. He wasn't expecting for her to react like this.
“Yeah, uh.. I just hit my head a little.”

Agatha sighed and scooted closer to him.
She touched his head and he took it back since it still hurt.

Agatha sighed.
“You should've gone home, Alex.”

“What? No. I wanted to come here anyways.”

Agatha looked up at him and smiled.
“Why do you come here then?”

“Well, first off this place is like a paradise to me. Second, there's not much people so I can relax. And then there's you.”

Agatha smiled and so did Alex.

Alex felt like he really was in paradise.
But something was terribly off.

Everytime he sees Agatha, his stomach churns but he smiles.

Something wasn't right, and he wanted to know what it was so he could spend his time with Agatha without feeling uncomfortable.

But what if it wasn't something.. But someone.

What if it was Agatha herself?
He shook away this idea.

She treated him like her sibling, he can't think ill of her. That would be unfair.

Alex's watch started to beep, so he hid goodbye to Agatha.

When he walked abit further away and looked back, she was no where to be seen again.

Like she just vanished into thin air.

He looked everywhere, but there were only fire flies surrounding the area.

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