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Hello, Monday!!

Alex got off bed and the first thing that greeted him was Leyna whose head was tilted and was looking at him.

When Alex's feet touched the ground the cat leaped on him and he catched it.

It had soft fur so Leyna's was just as soft as a pillow.

“Aww..” Alex whispered.

He lifted her up and they both went to the kitchen.

When he entered, he put Leyna down and she ran towards her tray to eat. Alex sat on the table and looked at Erika who was cooking.

“You're up early.” she said.

Alex smiled at her and looked at Leyna.. Who just finished a whole tray of food!

'This cat has massive eating powers..' he thought.

Leyna then sat on the couch and slept.

Erika brought Alex's food to the table and he ate.

“Aren't you gonna eat?” he asked her.

Erika smiled at him.
“I just finished. I have to get to school early since we have a presentation.”

She picked up her bag and kissed Alex's forehead.
“Make sure to lock the house when you leave for school, got it?”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.”

“Just checking,”

She then walked towards Leyna and pat it's head.
“I'll see you later too you adorable little cat!”

She opened the door and looked back at Alex.
“See you later little bro!”

Alex waved at her and she left.

When Alex finished eating, he took a shower, wore his uniform and went downstairs.

He fixed his bag and when he was about to leave, Leyna rubbed her head on his leg.

Alex picked her up.
“Where am I gonna leave you..”

Alex was certain animals were allowed at his school, so he thought of bringing her along.


When they got to school..


As soon as Ashley saw the cat, she picked it up and played with it.

Tristan pouted and crossed his arms and Jordan elbowed him while smirking at his face.

“O-oh. Yeah. Guys, meet Leyna.”

Leyna meowed at them and Ashley screamed silently while biting her lower lip.


Tristan looked at the cat.
“Tch. I'm cute too.. ”

Jordan fake coughed and Tristan turned his head around while blushing red.

Alex chuckled.

They were at the entrance of the school.
Since their school supported animals, Alex is going to leave Leyna at their care center for animals.

“Alright, alright.. ”
Alex took Leyna away from Ashley and she pouted.

“I have to take Leyna away now. But you'll see her again soon.”

Ashley's face brightened up again.

“You guys go on ahead, I'll be right back.”

Alex walked away and stopped at the door of the classroom.
He took Leyna's paw and waved it at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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