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Alex woke up nicely the next morning.

He did his daily routine and left his house.

As he rode down the road, he saw other students walking and talking with each other.

He even saw some of his classmates too.

When he reached his school, he parked his bike and went inside.

It was still pretty early so there were only a few people in his class.

So, he just covered his face with his book again.
He didn't wear his hoodie today since he realized how hot it was and just rolled down his sleeves to his wrist.

As he read the book, a hand grabbed the end of it and threw it away.

He looked up at him and saw Josh with Francis and Jake again.

Uh-oh, he thought. This looked like trouble.

Alex gulped and tried to stand up and leave, but Josh already grabbed his collar.

“Trying to escape, huh?” Josh smirked.

Alex began to sweat. He wasn't expecting this, well he actually was but he really couldn't understand what he was feeling.

Josh raised his hand to blow a punch on him, when two other people stood in front of him.

“Let him go you big fat bully!”

“Yeah. Remember, we have access to the CCTV cameras that surround the school. And there's one in here.” one said and pointed at the corner of their room.

“So if you don't wanna get sent to the principal's office, then let him go.”

Josh carelessly dropped Alex, and Alex fell hard on the floor.

Josh left them with a 'tch'.

The two who defended him helped up Alex to sit back on his seat.

“You okay, dude?”

Alex nodded.
“Hey, don't get that fatso get to you. He just targets people who're afraid of him and pretends to be tough.”

Alex thanked them both and they smiled at him.

“I'm Jordan, by the way.”
Jordan was a type of kid who loved trouble. He had already been reported to the office before, but he didn't mind.
He had spiky hair and hazel nut eyes.

“And I'm Tristan. Jordan's friend– I mean, only friend.”
Tristan wasn't just as different as Jordan was. But he looked alot more neater than Jordan was since he had his uniform tucked inside his pants and his red hair neatly arranged.

“I'm.. Alex..” he gulped.


Right after the bell rang, Alex went to the canteen.

He knew he was going to be alone again.
He grabbed his lunch and sat down, but before he could even eat, two other people say down in front of him.

“You eat alone bro? Man, that's kinda sad. I might suffocate if I were you.”

It was Jordan and Tristan.

“Well, you better get used to us.” Jordan winked.

They both started to eat and Alex just stared at them.

Then Tristan noticed he wasn't eating yet.
“Yo, you better get started on that. Our next teacher is Miss Luci and you know she hates students getting late.”

Alex just realized that and started to eat.

After eating, Jordan and Tristan walked with Alex to the class room.

They were noisy, playfull, and were trouble makers.
These were just the qualities Alex noticed they had as they walked to the classroom.

In class, Alex was focusing on the lesson when he heard small laughs.

He looked up and saw Jordan and Tristan laughing while throwing small paper at each other.

Even if the both of them were 3 seats apart, they still find a way to do these kind of things.

“Jordan, Tristan!!”

They both suddenly sat still when the teacher called their names.
The both of them covered their faces with their books and pretended nothing happened.

The teacher dismissed them and continued to write whatever she was writing.

Alex raised an eyebrow and continued to read.

Later on, a piece of paper fell on his desk.

He looked everywhere to see who threw it, and when he didn't find it he unfolded the piece of paper.

'Hey, wanna come home together with me and Tristan? -Jordan'

They.. Wanted to come home with him?

But why?

He wrote down his answer and threw it back to him.


He didn't have anything else to do after school anyways. So, why not?

When their teacher dismissed them, he went to his locker and changed back his shoes.

When he closed the door of his locker, Jordan and Tristan suddenly appeared.

This scared Alex and he accidentally slapped Jordan with his bag.

“Ow! Jeez, man!” Jordan complained.

“Sorry.. You guys suddenly appeared.. And my reflexes suddenly..”

Jordan pouted and rubbed his right cheek while Tristan laughed at him.

The three of them walked together, Jordan climbed up the walls and walked up there while Tristan and Alex were on the ground.

Tristan and Jordan were noisy and kept on talking and laughing, but Alex was quiet.

When Jordan noticed Alex was quiet, he jumped down and walked beside Alex.

“So, Oakley, do you have anyone else you talk to?” Jordan asked.

“No, not really.” Alex replied.

Jordan's eyes grew wide.
“What?! You saying you don't have friends?”

“Well, not really. I mean, I talk to Ashley.”


“Ashley Lennord.”

Tristan choked and Jordan laughed.

“What happened? Is he okay?” Alex asked.

Jordan wiped his eyes and looked at him.
“He really likes that girl. Dunno why, she's a nerd but she's pretty nice.”

Alex raised an eyebrow.
He didn't know that a guy like Tristan would like Ashley.

“I'll tell her to talk to you then.”

Tristan suddenly looked at him and Jordan smiled widely.

“That would be great!”

Tristan punched his shoulder and Jordan complained.

The three of them walked home afterwards and Alex came home with a smile.

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