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Dawna: 17
Pixie: 14

All we are is guilty hearts in this sea of memories
The Faim; Make Believe

'Unbelievable, he wants me to marry the first man he was able to find on such a short notice! How can he call himself a father?' the Princes shouted angrily.

'Oh, please, do not act so surprised. Your father has never behaved like a father so do not think for a moment that he suddenly will,' her auntie spoke as she lit a cigarette on fire. She took one deep inhale before speaking again. 'Besides, this man is not the first man he could find, or have you forgotten about all those dreadful men you were forced to meet?'

'How could I?' she asked as she sat down; placing her pale pace in her hands. 'What do I do?'

'What was his name again?'

'It was a weird one,' the pale girl spoke as a frown appeared on her forehead. 'Rafferty, but he told me to call him Raff.'

'Are you calling him that?'

A smile crept upon her pink lips. 'Of course not.'

'That is my girl. Now tell me what happened after he introduced the two of you.'

Part of Dawna did not want to admit what had happened; part of her wanted to keep her anger a secret. It was not very Princes like to get angry, especially not if she was mad at her very own father.

'I just,' she started doubtfully. 'I got so mad at him. He is forcing me to marry this much older stranger for the good of his Kingdom, not even caring about my wellbeing. So, I told him that Damien would never do such thing and he lost it again, and so did I. It was like that night in the garden again when I killed all those men. I wanted to hurt him the way he is hurting me too. It is only fair. And eye for an eye.'

'Darling, he is your father. Do you not think that at least you should feel the need to talk to him about this matter? You have been fighting ever since-,'for a moment her auntie paused, looking outside the window to the garden. 'Since your brother died. Do you not think that it is time to at least talk? You do not have to be best friends, you just have to learn how to tolerate each other.'

'You do not actually agree with him auntie, now do you?' Dawna's concerned voice asked, causing Looky to look up with sleepy bright eyes.

The blonde woman simply shrugged, looked shortly at her niece and turned her attention to the world at the other side again.

'Come here for a second, will you?'

Dawna obeyed as she walked towards her aunt who was once again dressed in the most beautiful, dark green dress. 'What do you want me to see?'

'Right there,' her slim hands pointed. 'Can you see that?'

'The villages, you mean?'

Delphinium nodded, her amber eyes not leaving the beautiful sight. 'Do you have any idea how many children are playing in those streets right now? Do you have any idea how many children go to school every day, trying to create a better future for themselves?'

'No,' the young woman admitted shamefully. 'I do not.'

'Let me tell you a little secret then,' Delphi spoke. 'Around three thousand children go to school every day, they do everything in their power to make their parents proud. To create that better life for themselves. Do you have any idea what will happen to them if a civilian war would break out because you refuse to marry?'

Once again, the pale girl had to admit that she did not know the answer to her aunts question.

'Neither do I, not for sure at least. Most likely your father will kill all of them, a revenge for what they did to your brother all those years ago. Some wounds never heal, especially not if they are carved into a King.'

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