18 1 0

Dawna: 23
Pixie: 20

Love is the illusion of a child and the parent of disillusion - Miguel de Unamuno

'Auntie, must I really go?' the whining voice belonging to the Prince's asked impatiently. 'The people can live without seeing me for one day.'

'No, no, my sweet girl; you must go.'

The Queen would visit another important building in the villages that day. Dawna had visited over two hundred places in over a year. To say that she had grown bored meeting all those unimportant citizens who always asked her for more food and better living conditions. The pale Queen hated it; she hated having to meet all those beggars who secretly disposed her for her wealth.

'Pray tell me aunt; where will I go today?'

'The hospital,' Delphi answered, causing her niece to roll her unnatural blue eyes in annoyance. 'But not the entire hospital, obviously. We are going to pay the midwifes a little visit.'

Directly, the little colour that was left on her face disappeared. Dawna had not been in contact with children, midwifes or the hospital ever since that horrible day. Something in her simply refused to go through the large doors that led to either pain or happiness.

'No,' her voice hissed angrily. 'I will not go there; they can have their babies without me.'

'Come on now, darling, why will you not pay them a visit?'

Dawna rolled with her beautiful eyes as a dark and unpleasant feeling settled in her stomach. There were so many reasons why the Queen refused to visit women who would be given the joy of becoming a mother. She envied every one of them; she envied every child that ran around the castle because Dawna should have become a mother of a running child herself.

'You know very well why, auntie,' the young Queen hissed.

'Not going there is a dangerous thing. Or do I need to remind you of everything that can happen when you do not convince more citizens that our monarchy is a good thing?'

Once again, the pale woman rolled her eyes before standing up from her comfortable sofa. Looky meowed angrily as his small body made contact with the ground.

'Fine,' the Queen sneered before straightening her back. 'On one condition: you are coming with me auntie.'

A smile found its way on her thin lips as she nodded her slim head. 'I would not want to miss it for a thing, my beloved niece.'

Hours (and a lot of complaining) later the two arrived at the local hospital. A line of cheering people was waiting at the door to welcome the two royals with flowers and lots of compliments. Many people called Dawna a forceful and fearless Queen and some just looked at her with interest. The young Queen did not care about any one of them; she was here to visit the ones who were bearing children.

'My Queen,' a woman greeted the two women as they entered the large building.

The hospital was painted in a bright yellow colour and had large pillars to support the roof. The windows were painted in different colours wherefore the building had a happy feel. There was no sadness and no pain; even though hundredths of people died there every year.

'We are honoured with your holy presence,' the midwife continued. She had very dark hair and a yellowish skin with think, brown eyes. 'Please, follow us to the right wing while I tell you a little something about the building itself.'

The rest of her words did not reach the Queens spirit. Her eyes kept looking between walls as a strong feeling of anxiety settled in her stomach and spread through her bloodstream. Suddenly, the images of that horrible day filled her head as her heart started to beat faster.

Queen DawnaWhere stories live. Discover now