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"some kill, some steal, some break your heart..."


a/n these chapters will be based around songs I find inspiring for my story, I hope you enjoy this AU!




Violet looked at the large school towering in front of her. It seemed to absorb her every being. Her caramel hair waved in the wind as she clutched her backpack. She had no clue what to say or what to do. Only the mere presence of the teenagers murmuring and gossiping explained to her why she was there with them. Violet's clutch on her backpack handle loosened naturally as she used her other hand to shield the sun from her sensitive eyes. "So this is where I waste my entire teenage years at. Bullshit." She mumbled to herself letting out a quiet sigh that was barely noticeable. The girl stood out in the crowd of teenagers. She wasn't ugly or abnormal, she didn't have anything specific about her blurring the lines between fitting in and standing out.  Violet just had that vibe, the glowing radiance of feeling different and being different. Her clothes were dull and grey carefully highlighted by the occasional flower pattern on her long dress that came to her knees. Her shirt was a black turtle neck that she matched with some of her combat boots. Everyone around her felt full of life but her soul ached. She wasn't happy and it was obvious. Her energy practically created a path for her. People moved away quickly as they looked to fit in or find old friends.  Violet on the other hand wanted to be left alone. Her family moved to this new place because of an affair she had no control over. She had no control of her life. She only had control of one thing, her skin. Her razor blade as it cut open her rosy pink skin in the bathtub when she felt extra empty. This was going to be her new life until her mom finally left her depressed joke of a dad. Violet shook her head trying to shake the thoughts of her new life. She felt outcasted already, but she decided to stop thinking and move. She forcefully pushed herself forward although it felt like a chore.

Taking a few steps forward she already felt tired and weak. Considering this girl barely got any real sleep it made since. Spending nights thinking about how much she hates her father really took a toll on her. Violet continued on looking around at the girls her age. Most wearing skinny jeans and low cut shirts while gossiping about only god knows. Violet laughed to herself, they were so self obsessed it was obvious. They were fixing their hair and putting on lip gloss onto their already glossy lips that seemed perfect. They looked perfect, perfect body, perfect life, perfectly happy being like everyone else. It almost made Violet envy it but she knew she could never act like them. Suddenly something broke violets judgement session, she hit something hard. Her shoulder ached as she swung back. "Watch it!" She yelled. Violet looked at the boy who stopped in his tracks with a confused look on his face. The blonde had on a striped sweater and baggy jeans. He acted like no one had spoken to him in years. quickly, he moved on from the scene walking away heading in the opposite direction Violet was going. She scoffed, moving on she continued walking through the school. Her shoes dragged her lazy feet as she looked through the crowd boredly.

Violet arrived to class at a reasonable time.  Not too late, not too early, but that perfect in between to make a scene not so funny but rather dramatic. "Violet?" The teacher called out as the girl quietly shuffled to her seat. "Violet?" The teacher related. "I'm here." She responded in a mutter taking her seat next to the boy she met earlier. Violet noticed this quickly and let out a quiet groan. Great. Now I'm stuck with weirdo. She thought to herself irritated at her new friend. "Violet Harmon. Young lady! Speak up!" The teacher called loudly now practically scolding the young girl. Some teenagers in the corner snickered at this and Violet snapped her head towards them feeling embarrassed. They looked like the popular girls, the caramel haired teen viewed them at snarky and prissy. Violet resumed her calm external look and turned back around, her eyes caught the eyes of the boy from before. He wasn't looking directly at her but instead staring at her desk. She realized she had put her open sketchbook on the desk instead of her biology book. "Shit." She murmured slamming the book causing more of a scene. "Damn it!" She said to herself a little too loudly shoving all her things in her backpack and standing up from her desk. Violet knew this wasn't working out so she took off out of the classroom hoping to be able to make up for the dramatic scene the next day. 

lovely.. ~violate~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя