~west coast~

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"Down on the west coast they got a saying, if you're not drinking then you're not playing.."


"West Coast" ~ Lana del Rey


Violet stepped inside the nicely furnished building. Many different people from many different places were inside minding their own business. They all came for different reasons, different purposes, but hers on this quiet, warm day was to find more about her home. She assumed she could find some unbelievable lore or tragedy  that Tate could've found that led him to spreading rumors about her house. The teenager brushed down her floral print dress with her hands gently. She examined the small library and took her place over by the reception desk. "May I help you?" The librarian asked in a low whisper. Violet nodded and placed her palms on the desk. "Do you have any way I can find some news articles on a specific house?" Violet asked, unsure of where she could even find this information. It was 2011, newspapers were old news to her generation. "What home do you have in mind?" The lady wearing a nice pink cardigan questioned looking at her computer screen. "Uh, here." Violet shoved her small hand into her pocket, grabbing a thin piece of crumpled paper and sliding it across the desk to the lady. "This address, it's a very old house." Violet added with a positive tone in her soft voice. She tapped on the desk with her fingernail as the lady glanced over the paper and began typing rather quickly. Violet turned her head rather impatiently. She was glancing around the cozy seating area when she saw two girls in a corner giggling. They looked oddly familiar, then she realized it was the girls she had an altercation with earlier. "Shit." Violet cursed aloud. The two girls were twirling their hair and one had a book in her hand. Violet looked at the receptionist with a bit of worry running through her expression. "Did you find anything?" Violet questioned almost slurring her words. "One moment, Are you interested in printing out the articles?" The lady asked, unaware of the present anxiety violet was facing. The caramel haired girl impatiently tapped her foot and nodded. "Do I need to pay for them?" She questioned, the receptionist gave a smile and shook her head "no". Violet quietly thanked the lady and walked over to a chair. She took her seat as her mind was screaming For her to run. She felt like everyone was watching her, as if everyone knew her deepest fears and she was exposed.

Violet picked at her fingernails as she tried hiding her face behind her long locks of golden brown hair. She heard the door open a few times but refused to look up, instead she picked up a small magazine with Lady Gaga on the front. She looked down trying to attempt to appear occupied. Then it hit her, she was hiding like a scared animal. Violet rolled her eyes and placed the magazine in her lap. She decided to see if she could find any books that she may be interested in. The teenager placed the magazine down on the wooden stand and stood up from her cozy seat. The chair was covered in a nice red velvet fabric which was really welcoming. Violet walked over to the books on the shelves, she ran her index finger across the old spines of the books. She was looking for something about flowers, or nature. She wasn't much of a recycler but she loved the earth. It was warm and natural, it was pure and inviting to her. She felt safe when she was outside near a garden or a forest. She also loved when the leaves changed colors, it felt almost magical to her. As violet began getting lost her her own thoughts she felt a finger tap her shoulder where her cardigan lay.


The quiet voice brought violet back to reality as she was daydreaming about the beautiful autumn days, the leaves ever so gently falling from the trees and the wind blowing them away. Violet turned her head to face the lady holding the articles. "Here you go, these are the most popular ones dating back to the 1900s."  The librarian explained giving the papers to violet in a small folder labeled "Murder House.". Violet looked down at the labeled folder confused by the intriguing title. "Murder house?" Violet questioned. "Oh yes, we get all kinds of teenagers in here asking about that place. It's really just an old house with some interesting history." The kind lady quickly answered before walking away back to her cozy desk. Violet opened the folder and skimmed through it flipping through the pages for a moment. After closing it, the teenage girl slowly walked to the back of the library curious to see what else this place had. She made her way through every isle with plenty of books stacked on each shelf. Violet found the nature section of books and decided fairly quickly which one she wanted.

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