~artificial paradise~

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"Trip me so I fall all the way up to heaven,
Plug me in and take whatever makes me human,
We're fallin' asleep and nobody's fighting it anymore,

We beg for release but I don't know what it means to be free anymore"


"Artificial Paradise" ~ Vlad Holiday


Violet shoved her small hands into her long cardigan pockets that held many old receipts and some random candy wrappers. She was walking on the sidewalk slowly, it was 4 pm and school was out for the day. The sun gently shined on her light skin, the heat wasn't unbearable for once it was rather nice. Violet wasn't in the best mood good weather or not after being stopped by the usual mean girl squad and having to defend herself. It was always something, a glare, the way she was holding her bag, her clothes, basically anything would set them off. This time it was her compulsive smoking habit that often got her in trouble with not only the bullies but a lot of people. Violet started debating skipping school because of the girls but she knew she wouldn't be able to talk to Tate much then, she wouldn't say they were connecting but after her freak out a week ago he definitely has been more distant which she approved of. That day in class every time she passed a note to Tate he ignored it or at lunch he sat by himself which was abnormal. He normally sat in front of her and tried making some sort of conversation. She continued her routine of studying but it was becoming heavy on her, she started feeling dull. At this point she only did it because it was her routine, no other reason. It was just something to pass time. Homework was slowly drifting from her view, before the move she practically turned in every assignment a day early but lately her family has been really putting an unbearable weight on her. Violet continued walking down the sidewalk in the heat of the day, her hair was blowing in the soft wind as she watched the world go by her. 


Violet soon arrived at her victorian styled home, she made her way to the gate with dead vines wrapped around the bars  and saw Tate with a girl she had seen a few times before. It was Addy, his sister. She had never talked much to Addy but Tate seemed to really click with his sister. They were outside her home talking, of course it was inaudible from Violets stance in front of the sharp pointed gate that looked so welcoming yet frightening. Her home didn't help much considering it looked like a haunted house, which at this point she assumed it could be. The strange noises at night, her sightings of gory people who seemed to disappear with a blink, or maybe she was going crazy. It was her only rational explanation for the sightings. Tate stood leaning on the closed door while Addy was propped on a pillar that laced the home entrance. The blonde boy was smiling which made Violet smile, both teenagers at the home entrance looked like they were having a nice conversation. Violet felt bad for interrupting with her presence but she wanted to crash in her room for the rest of the night. The caramel haired girl walked down the path leading to the two people talking in front of her.

Tate tilted his head when he saw Violet arrive at the gate, he wondered why she was so late. Addy ooh-ed when Violet walked up to them. The girl with soft hazel eyes gave a confused look that resembled a puppy dog when (s)he's curious or lost. "Hi Addy." Violet awkwardly greeted pulling off her backpack. She held it from the strap on the top of the bag hanging down beside her legs. "Hey." The brunette responded. "Tate was just talking about you." She snitched as she let a quiet giggle escape her lips. Violet looked over at Tate who was silent, he gave her a polite shrug and took a step over. "After you." He joked. "Isn't your session with my Dad over?" Violet asked walking to the door before stopping to face Tate. "He's having a moment I think. Your mom seems pretty mad." Tate explained, Violet never took him as the type to be so patient. "Come on." Violet let out a huff as she was annoyed by her parents disrespectfulness. It was always about them to her, never anyone else even when it came to her fathers only job. Violet knew her parents were struggling in this time, but it didn't give them the right to put off people because of their issues. Her fathers infidelity, her mother's dead baby, her. Everything seemed to be against them. Both Addy and Tate followed the girl inside. All three were welcomed by the cool inside of the house that clashed with the outside heat. In the distant you heard two muffled but strong voices clashing together. Violet dropped her bag beside the door and walked off quickly towards the noise, her body language radiated anger as she turned the corner gone before Tate and Addy knew it.

lovely.. ~violate~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu