~heart-shaped box~

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"I've been locked inside your heart shaped box for weeks.."


"Heart Shaped Box" ~ Nirvana


Violet rubbed her eyes sleepily as she listened to the teachers lecture in the middle of class. Her mind continued roaming anxiously as she was trying to avoid the glances Tate clearly kept giving her. She felt awkward around him, especially since she couldn't understand him. Violet had no clue how Tate felt, she just wanted to disappear from her seat and go somewhere peaceful. All that filled her ears were clicking sounds and the occasional cough from another student. It was almost overwhelming as her thoughts shot out from all directions. Letting out a quiet yawn, Violets eyes followed along with the teacher's boring words in her book. As the teachers speaking began sounding distant, Violets hazel eyes locked in on one word in particular printed on the school book. There was nothing specific about this word, all it read was "Taint".  She had no clue why she couldn't stop focusing on the word but she was too tired to even allow her brain to function. Violets eyelids began slowly closing but before she had a chance to fall asleep a tap on her shoulder awoke her, almost giving her a jumpstart. Her eyes zoned in on a piece of paper in front of her. It was folded neatly and looked like something torn out of a notebook. Violet carefully sat up straight in her chair and pressed her fingers against the paper.

Violets mind shifted out of the hypersensitive mode and her body was struck with a boost of energy which she was quite thankfully for. Slowly, Violets hands unwrapped the folded paper, her curiosity ran strong through her veins. The teenager opened up the paper and on the first line of the sheet read a simple phrase written in a slightly messy handwriting she had never seen before.

"Sorry for creeping you out yesterday."

Violet at first didn't understand what she was reading; then her mind clicked. It was almost as if a light bulb went off, it was Tate. The new stalker apparently took a lot of interest in her. Violet hesitated, her mind told her to ignore it but her heart spoke soft whispers to write back. She replayed the events from the previous day when Tate wouldn't leave. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, her spite spoke for her. Her hazel eyes wandered over to Tate who sat next to her. He was looking directly at her, their eyes met before both of them looked away. Soon their eyes met once again in the moment. Tate gave a weak smile to Violet, but the girl only crumbled up the paper and looked away once more. She had already invited him over and she didn't want to speak to him until she had to. As Tate was debating writing a new note he recalled seeing a bruise on the girls face. She looked dissatisfied in his mind but he couldn't get over the big blemish that lingered loudly on her pale skin. Just to make sure he wasn't imagining things, Tate looked back over at Violet. He propped on his elbow as he watched her carefully underline some words with an highlighter. There on her cheek sat a purple-ish swollen spot. The blonde haired boy pulled off a fresh piece of paper, he scribbled a note and passed it to Violet.

Violet watched as the second note appeared on her desk. She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed. Her curiosity burned intensely though, she unfolded the paper. She smoothed out the paper as her eyes glazed over the sentence. Before she allowed her brain to register the note she took a look at Tate. He looked a little concerned but continued tapping his pencil on his desk in a quiet rhythm. He didn't notice Violet looking at him for answers. The girl looked back at the note and it read:

"What happened to your face? Are you okay?"

Violet felt her cheeks heat up, she couldn't believe he noticed. Well she knew everyone noticed but it was really more a symbol that she couldn't defend herself, or she didn't. She knew she could've taken down the bullies who punched her but instead she tried being passive, the anger boiled in her blood as her temper rose. She began imagining herself grabbing one of the popular girls who hurt her and slamming the rich kid against a locker. All she could hear in her mind was the past cries of the other students who watched the actual embarrassment.

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