~american river~

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"Wake up every morning on the wrong side
That goddamn, dreaded American River Drive
Hold my head high
Think for yourself, take some pride"


"American River" ~ Destroy Boys


Violet brushed her soft, caramel hair behind her ear. She glanced around the busy lunchroom, the kids seemed awfully annoying. The anxiety filled her entire body as she carefully made her way around the lunchroom in an attempt to grab a spot at the lunch line. The girl pulled at her dull green cardigan as she took her spot behind a random teenager in front of her. She had one thing on her mind, food. God knows how long it's been since she's eaten, she's been too consumed with the questions and thoughts about the new boy showing up at her house. He didn't seem exactly right, especially since seeing her father who was what she called a "pay to complain therapist".  Violet held her lunch tray as she slowly moved ahead in the line, every second felt like ten minutes. The kids took forever. As the impatient girl slowly made her way to the food she craved something caught her eye. The boy she had seen at her house walked by her. At first it was only a glance but before she knew it it was a full on stare. Her eyes locked with his moving body as if it was a moving target. He took his place behind her and now she was completely infatuated with his presence lingering around her. Violet quickly took notice of this new interest and quickly turned herself back around to face the lunch line direction. She felt embarrassed, while no one cared she could've swore the boy knew what she was doing. Her anxiety levels shot through the roof as her face heated up out of embarrassment.

Tate gazed at the back of her head with a small grin appearing on his face. "So we meet again Violet Harmon." He said, a snarky tone could be heard through his soft voice. Violet tried to ignore the greeting and kept facing forward slowly making her way to the food. "Your dad seems pretty chill." Tate added after a few moments of long silence that was filled by lunchroom chatter from other teenagers who had nothing better to do than gossip and narc. Violet pushed her long silky hair behind her ear amidst the awkwardness. She placed down her lunch tray as the lunch lady quickly tossed down some random food on her plate. Violet gave a polite smile and thanked her. The young girl dropped out of line and focused on finding her seat for the day. Violet passed by many people, all of them looked very unappetising.

All of the teenagers looked too loud for her, they cared too much. The thought of befriending them seemed sickening at the time. Violet saw an empty table in the corner of the lunchroom so she took this as an opportunity to have some alone time. The teenager walked over to the table as her converse shoelaces tapped gently against the floor with every step since they were loosely tied, barely holding on to each other. Violet glanced over the table and took her seat, she carefully placed her tray on the table and propped on her hand. She hummed to herself a bit as she played with her food out of boredom with her plastic fork. She was most definitely entertained by the thought of some dude following her around, but once he was gone she felt a bit empty. While other kids were very easy to read for her, he was not. Violet let out a quiet sigh and stabbed some of the mashed potatoes in her plate. Suddenly, someone sparked her brain. She felt a new presence near her. Violet glanced up and saw the boy. His blonde hair framed his face quite nicely and he wore a green and black striped sweater. "I'm Tate." He commented, looking directly into violets eyes. "Violet." She replied glancing away sheepishly. Her hazel eyes glistened as the light coming through the window reflected on them. "Wait how did you know my name?" Violet quickly questioned now suspicious of the boy siting near her. "Your dad talks about you a lot, you'd be surprised at how much talking he does." Tate responded picking at his nails shyly. "Why are you seeing my dad?" The caramel hair girl asked as if Tate was taking some type of quiz to verify himself. "Shit happens." Tate answered almost too calmly as if he had answered this question one million times. His voice spoke softly, almost giving off a calm atmosphere. "What kind of shit?" Violet continued to ask, now becoming annoyed at his backhand answers. "My mom is a cocksucker, my dad is a pushover, my mom is scared of me so she sends me to see your dad. I'm not that bad though, shes only scared of what she can't understand." Tate responded pushing his tray of food aside and crossing his arms on the table. "You should do a better job at hiding those." He added pointing at her wrist. Her shirt sleeve had been pushed down while she propped on her hand. Violet nearly jumped out of her seat at the shock set in. "Shit." She responded pulling down her sleeves a bit aggressively trying to hide the maroon colored slits across her wrist. Violet couldn't believe it, he saw through her biggest secret in 10 minutes of speaking to her. She felt unsafe, she didn't know why his calming presence now seemed so threatening. Looking away, Violet tried disappearing for a moment. But here she was, next to her fathers patient. "Why do you do that?" Tate asked curiously. Violet took a deep breath in, she felt trapped like a wild animal. She wanted to run practically. "Shit happens." Violet let out sarcastically before standing up and walking off hoping to avoid this person at all costs. He was like her, but she didn't want to acknowledge it because she felt as if she didn't deserve someone. She didn't deserve anything. She just wanted to run and never be found.

"Wait!" Tate called out, a desperate cry lingered in his voice. He shook his head and looked down at the table a bit disappointed. The blonde stood up, he picked up his tray and violets tray. Tate walked over to the trash and dumped out the food making sure to be careful, before he could place the trays back in place he felt something hit his head. The boy flinched and turned around. There they were, the jocks. "Move faggot."  One of them said pushing Tate to the ground. He felt the pain in his back when he hit the cold tile floor. "What the fuck?!" Tate yelled. "You better fucking move, you're in our way."  Another threatened before Tate slid back on the floor. Still recovering from the push he stood up and dropped the trays near the trash. "Fine I'm moving." Tate said throwing his hands up defensively. The teen slowly walked away hoping to  avoid conflict but deep down he was filled with anger and rage. He did nothing to them, but they still fucked with him. One day he knew he would snap, but for now he could suppress the anger.


Violet held her backpack closely as she walked down the sidewalk. The blistering heat shined down on her pale skin as she glared into the distance trying to make it home on time. It's not like she wanted to be there, but she also didn't want to be outside in the 90 degree weather. The girl pushed her backpack onto her shoulder as she was nearing her new home. Violet saw in the distance the familiar boy who was her dads patient. He was standing over something looking pretty intensely at it. Violet quickly looked around to see if there was any way to avoid this weirdo, but sadly the road was quite busy that day. The cars flew by quickly giving her nice breezes of air but also very loud noises to interrupt the music in her ear buds. The teenager braced herself for some weird interaction as she walked closer.  The closet the girl got the more she could see his face concentrating on something that looked rather serious. He was oddly close to her house too, almost too close. Violet continued walking until she got to Tate.

She stopped in her tracks at she saw what he was staring at. "What the hell are you doing?" She asked as she stepped back in disgust at what she was witnessed. "It died here." Tate responded blankly, almost in a trance. "What is that thing?" Violet asked, looking around as if she was doing something suspicious. "I think a cat, I'm not sure though. It really died here alone and bleeding. I wonder if anyone tried saving it." Tate responded crouching down examining the animal more. "It's dead Tate." Violet mocked coldly not trying to look too deep into this weird situation. "It looks more then dead, it looked mutilated. That's a shitty thing to do." Tate whispered out the last sentence almost hurt by the sight. "Why are you here?" Violet questioned taking a few steps closer to Tate. "I live right there." The boy responded standing up to look at violet. He pointed near her home, they just so happened to be neighbours. "Were neighbours." Violet stated in shock looking at the house next to them. "We used to live in your house, weird shit goes down in there." Tate warned. "You're just trying to scare me." Violet replied pushing her backpack up onto her shoulder. Tate walked back a bit from the animal and violet instinctively followed. "Really weird shit happened in there. I've seen things in there Violet, be careful." Tate spoke so calmly yet Violet felt chills run down her spine, he was so monotone it felt wrong. "What kind of shit?" Violet asked, she felt dumb for actually buying into this nonsense. She had no intention on believing it, she just wanted to see how sick Tate really was. "You'll see." Tate responded taking a step closer to violet, looking into her eyes. She looked away and Tate formed a smile on his face. He thought she was rather cute. "I need to get home." The teenager excused herself and quickly walked off attempting not to look back at the boy.

Something clicked that moment, she felt like she was getting attached which was not her original goal. While Tate was probably crazy, he was also intriguing. Maybe she could stick around for awhile.

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