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Jake gives Ashley a slow kiss on the forehead, his green eye twinkling. Ashley blushed through her caramel complexion, and seductively runs her gentle fingers across Jake's cheek.

Standing in the shadows of a bookshelf, I push up my thick-framed glasses and grimace. Ashley was pretty, but she was nothing compared to me. Jake. Was. Mine.

I stared at Ashley, and took in her appearance. Caramel skin, thick black hair, slim, hazel cat-eyes, a button nose, and plump, deep-red lips. Her curvy body was covered with tight fitting blue jeans, a white crop-top, and black-and-white checked sneakers. Rose gold hoops hung from her ears, and she wore flawless makeup.

I narrow my eyes. I was prettier than her. I had to be. I needed to get Jake for myself. My gaze danced over to my king. My prince. My baby. My senpai. His messy, brown hair hung in his eyes. His face was soft, and his small mouth was set in its usual sexy, mesmerizing smirk. And his eyes. Oh, God, his eyes. They were bright, electric, glimmering green. His appearance sent a shiver down my spine. I needed him. I. Needed. Him.

They stood up, and walked out of the library. I glanced around to make sure that no one was watching. No one was. The library was empty, except for the librarian, who was on her knees, searching through a pile of books.

I tiptoed forwards, kneeled on the floor, and rested my head on the chair that Jake had been sitting on. I could faintly smell his cologne. I closed my eyes, breathing in his scent. I was in heaven.

My dreamy smile turned into a frown when I imagined Ashley and Jake together. Alone. Without me watching. I stood up, pushed up my glasses with my thumb, and jogged out the library door, desperate to catch up with them.


Ashley and Jake were hugging tightly in the hallway. Disgusting. I squinted my eyes and tried to imagine myself in Ashley's place. Silently closing my eyes, I pursed my lips and ran my tongue over my teeth.

I stood there, imagining myself and Jake, for a while. When I opened my eyes, Jake and Ashley were walking away, hand in hand, practically attached at the hip. And a girl with flaming red hair was staring at me. I glared at her. And trailed after Ashley and Jake.

They continued to walk, and I noticed that there were increasingly fewer people as they went to wherever their intended location was. Soon, they were behind the school building. Alone. Except for me.

Ashley sat down on a few piled up crates and crossed her ankles. Jake reddened and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Come on, babe, you promised." Ashley whined, resting her chin on her balled up fist.

Jake heaved a sigh and sat cross-legged on the ground next to her. "Ok, baby." He stood up, leaned over her, and gave a seductive smirk. My gaze hardened. He couldn't look at her like that. He wasn't allowed. Suddenly, he grabbed her shoulders and forced his face against hers. She wrapped her petite arms around his neck, and his muscular arms
encircled her waist and back. They began furiously, passionately kissing with everything that they had.

Standing in the shadows, I continued staring. I pushed up my glasses with my thumb, and frowned. I saw Ashley run her fingers through his hair, and I felt nauseous. I was supposed to be the one doing that. I needed his touch. I wanted his lips against mine. I swallowed my vomit, and sighed heavily.

Suddenly, Jake looked up, his eyes filled with anger and fear. "I feel like we're being watched..." He said in a slow whisper.

Ashley looked frightened, and I felt horrified. They would discover me. I dropped to my knees and ducked behind a pile of old tires.

Through a crack, I watched them. Ashley was glancing from left to right, and Jake, now standing, was looking around, his face heated with anger. I had to admit, he looked hot when he was mad.

"I don't think there's anyone there, Jakey." Ashley said, fiddling with her earring. Jake sighed. "I think you're right." He walked back over to her. "Where were we?" He asked, giving a sexy grin.

I felt nauseated again as they continued kissing. His lips trailed all over her face. She returned every kiss, every peck.

I was oozing with jealousy of Ashley. I wanted to be held in his arms. I wanted to feel his touch, his kiss, his love. I needed to see him as much as I needed air to breathe.

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