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I reached my destination after hurriedly walking for ten minutes.

In the distance, I heard the high-pitched wail of police sirens, but I ignored them.

I finally reached the place.

Jake's house.

There were no cars in the driveway, but I peeked in all the windows just to be safe.

There was no one in the house.

So, I snuck around back, looking for a way to get it. Then, I saw it.

A cracked window.

'This was easier than I thought it was going to be' I thought as I pulled the window all the way open and slid into his house.

I closed the window and hurriedly looked around. I was practically blinded by a room full of strawberry lip gloss and stuffed pandas.

It had to be his sister's room.

I quickly tiptoed out into the hallway and looked around, searching for his room.

Right after stuffing some of their food, some unopened water bottles, and an iPad and a charger into my backpack, I found Jake's room.

Standing in his doorway, I took a deep breath.

His room smelled like him.

I slid under his bed and put a large, wadded up blanket in front of me so I couldn't be seen.

Then, the waiting game began.


I laid under Jake's bed for what seemed like hours. But it didn't mind. I was enveloped by his scent, like I was in a warm, soft, Jake hug.

Finally, I heard a crash and a bash and loud, hoarse sobs.


He had found out about Ashley.

And he was inside his room.

I peeked through a crack, and I saw him. He was slumped against his doorframe, his face in his hands, and his shoulders heaving with sobs and angry shouts.

He stood up, and I caught a glimpse of his face.

It horrified me.

He looked so angry and sad and afraid. His eyes were cold, hard, puffy, and filled with tears. His cheeks were wet, and his face was the color of a tomato. His lips were dry and cracked, and the corners of his mouth were pulled down into a large frown. His mouth was open, and wails were escaping from deep inside his throat.

I didn't want to see him like that.

He turned around and locked his door. I smiled as I heard the faint "click."

He kneeled on his rug, and rested his forehead on the ground.

Then, I put my plan into motion.

~~ Warning: The next paragraphs contain gore, bloodshed, and murder ~~

I slid my hand deep inside my hoodie pocket, and wrapped my fingers around the butcher knife I had taken from the kitchen back home.

Then, I slowly pushed the blanket away.

And I crawled out from under his bed.

And I stood up.

And I raised my knife.

Jake looked up.

He looked terrified.

He began backing away, but I had him cornered. I was standing between him and his only escape, his locked bedroom door.

After around three minutes, Jake collapsed onto his back. "Get it over with." He whispered hoarsely. "I want to be with Ashley. Please."

My hand fell back down against my side.

He wanted this.

This made things complicated.

He was supposed to beg and plead and cry for me not to delete him.

This was an odd change.

I felt something tugging inside me.

'Don't do it.' The little voice inside my head said.

'You love him.' The little voice said.

'You're a terrible person.' The little voice said. 

"Shut up..." I whispered to the little voice. I looked down at Jake. He was laying flat on his back, his eyes closed, and his teeth bared, as if he were preparing to die.

'You're a poor excuse for a human being.' The little voice said.

'You don't deserve him.' The little voice said.

"Shut up..." I whispered. 

The little voice grew to a medium-sized voice. Then a loud voice. Then a screaming voice.

'YOU DESERVE NOTHING!" The voice screamed at me.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed back at the voice.

With a moment's hesitation, I tightened my grip on the knife's handle, bent over, and sat on Jake's stomach.

He was wincing and grimacing and crying, as if I were already hurting him.

I started the way I did with Ashley.

Small, painful gashes all over his body.

I watched crimson liquid seep from his wounds. It hurt me, knowing that he was in so much pain. But I kept going.

The voice continued to shriek at me.

Telling me I was worthless.

Telling me I was terrible.

Telling me I deserved nothing.

But I ignored it.

Finally, it was time to make the final wound.

I could tell that Jake was feeling woozy and disoriented, now. His eyes seemed glazed over and foggy.

"I'm coming, Baby." Jake whispered.

This made my blood boil, but I ignored it.

They would never see each other again.

Jake was an angel. He'll be in heaven.

Ashley was evil. She'll be in hell.

Finally, I raised up my knife, and quickly brought it down on Jake's chest.

He didn't scream.

He didn't cry out.

He just...


Everything about him stopped.

His chest was no longer rising and falling.

His eyelids were no longer closing and opening.

His blood was no longer flowing.

He was deleted.

The little voice kept whispering in my head. 


"You're worthless."

"No one cares about you."

"Jake hates you."

"Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head" I mouth repeatedly, clamping my hands over my ears. I couldn't drown out the voice. 

"You're terrible"

"Everyone is so disappointed in you."

"You're so ugly"

I balled my hand into a fist and bit my knuckles. Blood oozed from the small cuts on my hand. 

It hurt for a moment, but after a second, a calm feeling came over me. 

I felt numb with joy.

The voice in my head aside, I has Jake now. 

And he was all mine.

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