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I began to plan.

Ashley was in the hospital for one week after the accident. The police was actively looking for the person who assaulted her.

Jake acted all sad and puppy-dog eyed at school. I didn't want to see him sad. But I couldn't change the past.

And, honestly, I didn't want to.


During the week, I had devised a solid plan.

Ashley has come back to school with her head bandaged all around. The bandages were ugly.

But Jake still treated her like she was beautiful.

My plan went into motion whenever Ashley walked into the girl's bathroom after lunch. Teachers and Jake couldn't follow her in there, and there were no security cameras.

The knife was slid into the deep pocket of my hoodie, thick gloves were on my hands, and I was ready.


Ashley went to the bathroom after lunch.

I followed her.

She didn't seem to notice.

When we arrived at the girls bathroom, she locked herself in a stall. I turned on the sink, just so she knew I was doing something.

When she came out of the stall, I quickly moved over to the paper towel dispenser. When she finished washing her hands, I reached across the room and locked the bathroom door.

I smiled to myself, knowing that the bathroom walls were thick and soundproof.

Ashley gave me an odd look, grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser, and nervously began scrubbing her hands with the brown sheet.

I stayed facing the door. My hand rose to my hoodie pocket. I faintly felt the small bulge.

"Excuse me, I, um, need to get to class." Ashley said with an awkward laugh. I turned around and gave a Cheshire-cat grin.

I stepped closer to Ashley.

Ashley backed up, her hazel eyes wide with fear. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. I gave a dry chuckle.

"I hope you like the smell of hand sanitizer and disinfectant." I said, as my hand went down into my hoodie pocket.

"W-Why is that?" Ashley asked, her voice coming out soft and squeaky.

She was terrified, and I was enjoying every second of it.

"That's the last thing you'll smell." I said dryly. Ashley let out a long scream, but no one heard. The walls were over three feet thick.

"P-Please don't d-do this! W-What do you w-want from m-me?!" She begged, dropping down to her knees.

"Stand up." I commanded. I seized a handful of her thick hair and yanked her up. Ashley let out a small whimper as she stood up and massaged her scalp, staring at the linoleum floor.

"Please don't hurt me." She whispered. "Someone else already hurt me this week. I can't take so much pain." I smiled widely, manically, demonically.

She looked up, meeting my eyes. Her gaze hardened. "It was you, wasn't it?! You're the one that hit me with the pipe!"

I gave a sinister chuckle.

That was enough of an answer for her.

Ashley grabbed a chunk of my hair and yanked it downwards. I grit my teeth. Should I give her some satisfaction in her last few minutes?


She's done nothing but make my life a living hell since kindergarten.

And now, it's time for her to pay.

~~ Warning: These next few paragraphs contain gore, bloodshed, and death ~~

I grab her wrist with my other hand and jerk it down, making her stumble backwards and let go of my hair.

Still holding onto her, I shove her backwards, then let go. She falls onto her back, and I hear a hollow "crack" as her head smacks the floor.

A red puddle formed around her scalp.

I could tell she was unconscious, so I stood above her, waiting for her to come to.

I wanted her death to be slow and painful.

When her long eyelashes fluttered open, I leaned over and slapped her in the face, startling her into total consciousness.

I knelt next to her and sat on her stomach, pinning her down.

I slid the knife out of my hoodie pocket.

She was terrified.

I felt so powerful.

I made the first cut. A small gash on her forehead.

Ashley winced and whimpered in pain.

I felt no remorse.

Did this make me psycho? Did this make me crazy?


But I didn't care.

I continued making small, painful gashes on her body. She was now crying and screaming and trying to get away from me.

I was tired of her acting like such a brat.

Biting my lip, I removed the bandage from her head, and winced.

It was disgustingly red and black and yellow and purple, with crusty, dried up blood hardened around it. I didn't blame her for covering it up.

"Please! No! We used to be friends!" Ashley screamed and begged. I bent down towards her, our faces nearly touching.

"Shhhh..." I whispered, pressing my finger against her lips.

I took a deep breath...

I raised up my knife...

I stabbed her.

I felt the knife plunge down through her hair, through her skin, through her bones, and finally, through her brain.

She let out the longest, loudest, most horrible scream I've ever heard in my entire life.

Then, she was deleted.

I stood up, moistened a paper towel under the sink, and tried to wipe her blood off of my hoodie.

There were large, blotchy stains, so I took it off and wrapped it around my waist.

Then, I carefully opened Ashely's hand, placed the knife in her palm, and wrapped her fingers around the handle.

Her skin was cooling down.

I walked out of the bathroom, down the empty hall, and out of the school building.

As I was walking, I got an idea. A very bright idea that I think would help mine (and Jake's) entire future.

I stopped at home to grab something before walking to my destination.

Her ObsessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora